An Icelanic Hotel Telphone

This image shows a phone handset that was discovered in a hotel in Iceland. Reception, room service, wake-up, emergency, mute, volume, hold, in use, and northern lights wake-up are all present, of course. What was that last one, waaaaaittt? Yes, you read correctly: when the Northern Lights are visible, you may press a button in this hotel to obtain a wake-up call. How fantastic is that?Naturally, seeing the northern lights is not guaranteed when visiting Iceland, so such a service is rather useful. We would undoubtedly like to be alerted to this phenomenon!
A Table With a Secret Spiral Staircase

It appears as though you are gazing at a typical dining room table when you gaze to the left of this image. It has a vase of flowers in the middle and is a typical spherical shape with lovely oak panelling. But if you move your gaze to the right, you’ll notice that this table hides a spiral staircase! We would never have thought that this table had a staircase in a month of Sundays!What’s down the stairway is a question we can’t avoid. Is there a basement at the end? A cellar for wine? An entirely other floor? Why the secrecy, too? There are so many questions!
When Goats Double up as Lawnmowers

You could easily mistake this image for a photo of the goat pen at your neighbourhood petting zoo. However, no. Strangely enough, you’re staring at the rear of an apartment block. According to the original poster, this picture depicts the day their landlord rented 200 goats to eat the vegetation along the riverbed and overgrown roadway. We’ll admit that when we first saw this picture, we couldn’t talk. But we had a lot of questions within a few minutes. Did it work? What was the price of renting 200 goats? From where did the landlord procure 200 goats? The list goes on.
Missing Cat Follow-Up Flyer

Sadly, have you ever seen’missing cat’ flyers strewn all over your neighborhood’s lampposts, noticeboards, walls, etc. while strolling down your street? In order to aid in the hunt, you then mentally note that you should keep a look out for the missing cat. After then, the flyers remain up for about a week. The question of whether the cat is still missing is unavoidable. What was the conclusion of the story?
In this case, you’ll be thrilled to learn that the owner of the missing cat put up follow-up flyers in the place of the “missing” posters so that everyone was aware of the positive conclusion!
A Lizard Using a Sponge as a Raft

Have you ever witnessed a lizard in a kitchen sink using a sponge as a raft? You have now, if you didn’t already! We believe it’s safe to assume that one of the last things you might anticipate finding in your laundry is a lizard! It may be important to note, though, that the original poster originated in Mexico, and we can’t help but wonder whether this is a typical occurrence there.If you know the solution, please get in touch with us—we’re quite curious! Who knows how long this little fellow may have enjoyed his sail if the original poster wasn’t afraid of lizards?
Lego Flowers

This image shows a Lego flower arrangement. The husband was the original poster. These flowers were meticulously constructed for his wife’s birthday. How adorable is that? Despite their unique nature, Lego flowers are likely more cost-effective due to their longevity. This bouquet could be enjoyed for the rest of the recipient’s life. There’s nothing wrong with that. Win-win! They’re also strangely beautiful!Additionally, this would make a wonderful present for a pollen allergy sufferer. Despite this, we think the husband had a great time creating his wife’s gift, which was a win-win situation for both of them.
A Detailed Photo Of A Bonfire

Although we wouldn’t categorise this as strange or weird, it is interesting nonetheless. Thus, it has been added to the list. A fairly detailed shot of a campfire is shown here. We adore that you can almost see each individual flame, the molten sparks flicking off the blaze, and the twigs feeding the fire. The ash particles appear to be stars from certain perspectives!This must have been quite the conflagration to witness! We don’t know about you, but we’re craving hot chocolate and melted marshmallows right now. Is there anything more pleasant than spending a clear night by a campfire?
When Your Doppelganger Is a Statue

Have you ever heard the idea that everyone has a person who looks almost exactly like them living somewhere in the world? However, what if your doppelgänger is actually a statue? This image captures that moment, which is precisely what happened to the actual poster! The woman in this picture discovered a random wooden figure that resembled her perfectly while on vacation in Switzerland!We adore how this woman’s leggings nearly match the wood’s colour, creating an even more striking combination! She has also perfected the folded arm stance!
A Traffic-Themed Playground

This image shows a playground in Copenhagen, Denmark with a traffic motif. Children can learn safe road cycling techniques here. How awesome is that? We don’t believe that this picture should be considered unusual, even though it is included in a collection of strange and weird items. This is such a great concept! It seems that identical issues exist in other nations, such as Germany and Australia. In many regions of Germany, traffic education is actually required.
Mini-traffic playgrounds in elementary schools are not unusual. But let’s get back to this image. The fact that the child in the front just ran a red light is so adorable! They’re at exactly the proper place, but it appears that they need more practice!
Air Cushions

The ‘air cushions’ that are currently being employed by one of their suppliers are depicted in this image from the original poster. To safeguard our delicate packages, this is a great substitute for the conventional plastic air fillers that we are so accustomed to seeing. How awesome is that? Most packaging is typically thrown in the trash, so if it’s plastic, it regrettably ends up in a landfill for years.
The recipient can, however, recycle whatever they don’t wish to retain when the packaging is made of paper and sealed with wax. What a fantastic environmentally friendly substitute!
A World Map Drawn From Memory

Whoa! We can’t decide whether we’re more amazed by this professor’s amazing artistic ability or memory! Based solely on recollection, the original poster’s student caught their college professor in the middle of creating a map of the entire planet. Based on our scant knowledge, it appears like he got it exactly right! How awesome is that? We doubt that we could even sketch the borders of our own nation!
What motivated this professor to begin creating a map of the world, we wonder? We would also like to know if this ability is transferable to other scenes. Maybe city skylines? Pieces of art? Portraits of the family? In any case, what a remarkable skill!
Garbage Trucks Painted by Local Artists

Generally speaking, nothing about trash—including garbage trucks—is lovely. In New York City, though, this isn’t always the case. An illustration of what occurs when local artists are hired to paint garbage trucks is shown here. How awesome is that? We have no doubt that these oddball garbage trucks make everyone they pass grin! We particularly adore how the artwork contains clever words and ideas.
We’ve seen “sanitation,” “don’t litter,” “stay clean,” “safe,” and “composte” in a fleeting glimpse. Our beedy eyes probably couldn’t find them all, but there are probably more in plain sight!
The End of the Rainbow

This image is quite remarkable because most people would never witness the end of a rainbow in their lifetime. Amazingly, though, the original poster was able to see the end of a rainbow firsthand; regrettably, there was no leprechaun, pot of riches, or lucky charms in sight. What a letdown! Maybe it’s the incorrect end. Or is the gold beneath the road?
On the other hand, we don’t advise excavating the tarmac just because! On another note, the fact that this scene is a double rainbow makes it even more memorable—aww!
A Bird That Made a Wreath Its Nest

At first glance, the mother bird and her young appear to be a part of the wreath. However, they aren’t phoney! In reality, we are viewing a female bird that nested in the Christmas wreath on the original poster and produced hatchlings! How adorable is that? To avoid disturbing this small family, we can only imagine how cautiously the household would have had to enter and exit their door.After some Googling, it appears that the precise species of bird is a mourning dove. Fun fact: it seems that its cooing sounds, which have a melancholy tone, are what gave it its name.
An Almost Perfect Star Shape Found in a Rock on the Beach

Whoa! When will this ever occur? Imagine picking up a random pebble while strolling down the shore and examining it; to your surprise, you discover an almost flawless crystal in the shape of a star imbedded in it. This original poster near a beach in southern Wales, UK, seems to have suffered just that! It’s quite neat, isn’t it? Without a doubt, we would bring this jewel back to keep!This star shape has been described as a “fossilised segment of a crinoid stem” by some commenters on the original post. Even though we have no idea what that is, it still looks stunning!