Real Times Men and Women Couldn’t Understand Each Other


If Only Exercise Could Actually Stop Cramps

Real Times

The notion that women would not get severe cramps if they exercised is merely wishful thinking, but we can’t call it true. Strange as it may sound, women who would prefer to be pain-free for a bit around that time of the month might find this useful. Although food or exercise have no bearing on painful periods, a woman’s life would be much easier if this were the case because no one would ever admit to enjoying cramps.
When it comes to women and menstruation, some individuals seem to have a lot of notions, but some seem like they would only fit in a fantasy or novel.

No, Women Don’t Shower With Pads

Since most people like to keep any information regarding their periods private, we would want to send a shoutout to the female in his picture for her unwavering honesty. It seemed inevitable that someone would comment at some point from the wide expanse of the internet. The truth is that some people simply don’t know how their bodies work normally, and they aren’t even too shy to admit it.
It’s true that when that time of the month rolls around, women don’t shower with pads or any other form of feminine items since that would be really absurd.


An Old Time Myth That Makes No Sense

Real Times

It turns out that the widespread dread of a woman’s uterus falling out of her body prevented trains from travelling faster than 50 miles per hour when they were first constructed. It’s possible that everyone back then just wanted to keep the uterus safe, even though women may not have had many rights. Knowing the identity of the first courageous individual to test this idea and thereby disprove society as a whole would be fascinating.
While it’s true that the uterus remains securely in place regardless of speed, it appears that at one point women were viewed as far more delicate than they actually are.

A Lack of Eggs Still Equals Life

In fact, someone sought an answer in a public arena to a subject that had been bothering them. They reasoned that since a woman had an infinite number of egg cells at birth, the number of eggs might be used to calculate her longevity. Fortunately, this isn’t how life really works because many women are living life to the fullest despite not having a single egg.


Thankfully, a woman’s life expectancy won’t be shortened by producing insufficient eggs because, in this instance, existence isn’t quite about quantity and quality.

Nobody Buys Tampons Just for Fun

Unbelievably, women purchase tampons primarily for their own needs; if not, they would gladly leave them on the shelf. Legislators shouldn’t be concerned about women buying too many tampons if they granted a tax exemption because cycles usually occur once a month. It’s not like women can pick on their own when to start using tampons, and they also have no control over how often they use them.

The author of this Forbes piece seems to be attempting to convey that lawmakers are concerned that because tampon prices have dropped, individuals will purchase an excessive number of them.

When the Doctor Isn’t Always Right

In case you didn’t know, women are just as strong as males and work out. When these two workout and muscle guidelines were posted, the doctor’s office had the proper idea and most likely the best of intentions. The men’s version is much more subdued and concentrates more on the barbell than the body. She appears to be in the middle of a cinematic stunt in the women’s diagram.


The majority of the time, doctors are correct, yet these two diagrams are wildly inaccurate. That’s because the majority of women don’t lift large weights at the gym and perform splits at the same time.

An Explanation That’s Far From Scientific

Real Times

The anonymous internet user asserts that men’s extra skin layer is the basis behind their belief that women are inherently colder than males. Certainly, there isn’t any solid scientific data to support this intriguing assertion. We will thus state categorically that this is untrue and that both men and women have the same number of skin layers.

The only problem is that the argument for why women are consistently colder than men is completely illogical, which is why someone really took to the internet to share it with the world.

An Uncontrollable Force of Nature

If women could manage their monthly cycles, they would likely be the happiest people on the planet. He is correct in one aspect, though: pursue what brings them joy. Sadly, that’s just not feasible, and we sincerely hope that the person who made this comment was being sarcastic. He advises ladies to quit getting their periods because they make them miserable, but in reality, things don’t operate that way.


Women have no control over their monthly cycle, just like many other naturally occurring things, therefore even though this individual meant well, it didn’t work out.

Why Products and Gender Can’t Mix

Someone boldly asserts that ladies should take caution when using a razor since it might cause their skin to come off, and that men’s and women’s razors are completely different. That’s because of an unbelievable biological skin difference that is entirely made up. Men’s shampoo has the potential to turn women into stone if we live in a society where men’s razors ruin women’s skin. Thank goodness, it is not the world we live in.

There’s no need to quit using men’s razors if you’re a woman and you find that they perform better for your skin type; you’ll still have flawless skin.

It’s Time to Go Back to Biology Class

Real Times

A biology teacher will never tell you that women’s smaller brains simply translate into lower IQs than men’s. It’s reasonable to conclude that this cannot exist because there isn’t much scientific data to support that claim in the first place. The original poster believes that women’s bodies are weak and hence incapable of supporting a brain the size of a man, in addition to having a low IQ.


Some people truly believe whatever they read on the internet, although one would think that any reasonable person browsing the internet would see this isn’t true at all.

Passing Gas Isn’t Gender Exclusive

Regardless of how much you may not like to admit it, everyone has to pass petrol on a regular basis. It has been stated that women smell more than males since they expel gas more easily, but this is untrue as most women have wonderful scents overall. Women may even believe that males smell worse than they do, and they would certainly admit that they aren’t bashful in this regard.

Although it seems like some people believe that women aren’t capable of doing it, we all do. Maybe they’re just preoccupied with the sound of their own flatulence.

Veins Are a Much Needed Thing

This is pretty much the same as when someone makes assumptions about other individuals based on circumstances beyond their control. In one instance, someone is leaving a comment on this woman’s Instagram because he finds her veins to be just too noticeable. He may be surprised to learn that, whether or not they like their appearance, ladies have circulatory systems just like men’s and must have veins in order to survive.

Though it’s not like guys can influence women’s appearance, it seems that some are dissatisfied or disgusted by the fact that women may be seen in their veins.

An Internet Roast That Never Ends

Real Times

When Richard Cooper published his theory on the internet, claiming that women train their abs because they aspire to look like males, natural science was completely destroyed. He also chose to speak for all men when he said that all men are drawn to feminine figures, even if this isn’t true in and of itself. Naturally, that implies that abs are not permitted.

Though not because they aspire to look like men, some women work out for their abs. Abs are something that both men and women are naturally built to have; they haven’t just appeared on women.

A Gender Theory That’s Hard to Consider

There’s no denying that not every woman has a naturally occurring bend in her spine that begins at the level of her bra. Perhaps some do, but even if they did, it would have nothing to do with preserving equilibrium throughout pregnancy. It’s funny that some individuals, even in this day and age, still find it difficult to understand women and love creating their own theories about the proportions of each gender’s foot simply for the sake of doing so.

For whatever reason, someone examined Nicole Kidman’s back curve in detail using a still image from a film she was starring in before sharing the results online.

Someone Who Doesn’t Understand Stretch Marks

Someone came across a passage in a book where a character was attempting to identify the age of a woman and concluded that, based only on the presence of stretch marks, the woman was undoubtedly pregnant. In actuality, stretch marks are not just a problem for women; they can also arise from a variety of other circumstances, such as weight gain or an injury. Though there are some things that men and women may not fully comprehend about one another, the truth is that we are really similar to one another.

Apart from the fact that men can also acquire stretch marks, a woman’s stretch marks are not usually related to childbirth or motherhood.

Nobody Likes a Mansplainer

Real Times

This woman is highly knowledgeable about how genetic codes function because she is a final-year genetic engineering student at a university. She can also attest that, contrary to what her uncle thinks, a woman’s genetic makeup does not alter when she marries into a different family. It’s bad that some individuals don’t understand women and the way they function in general, regardless of a woman’s education or college degree.

Mansplaining is actually a current phenomenon in which some men (though not all of them) choose to base their comments on science that doesn’t exist or on things that have nothing to do with them.

If Women Were Like Werewolves

Menstruating on a full moon and howling like a werewolf at the moon are two things you’ll never find a lady doing. We would really like to know why this instructor believes that all women receive their periods during full moons. Mostly because, at some point, someone had to have told him that and done it in a way that seemed really credible. They also believe that when the moon is full, women typically perform better in sports.

Women can play sports just as well as males, which is one thing this coach got right. However, the whole full moon period thing is a little worrisome.

Something That Can’t Be Left Behind

Real Times

The one thing about a behind is that it follows you around, literally—your physical appearance is a vital part of who you are, whether you’re at work or at home. The person who left this woman’s comment felt, for whatever reason, that she should have left all that back home since she looked too beautiful for work. Her range of motion is excellent, but naturally, neither life nor the body function in such way.

Lips Aren’t Always Naturally Red

A character in the book “Name of the Wind” thought a woman he saw was ideal because, even without makeup, her lips were a stunning shade of red. Though a woman’s lips can have a variety of natural colours, cosmetics is the only technique to make them appear really red. Mother nature does indeed give ladies beautiful lips, but lipstick is typically responsible for that colour.

He Thinks Menstrual Pain Is a Myth

Unfortunately, we can say that this person who believes that menstruation pain is a myth is probably not the only man who holds this belief. A shattered heart is painful, as are starvation and homelessness, to name a few unpleasant experiences—and certainly, there are many more that might be included in that list. Menstrual pain was recently compared to cramps by someone, and since they don’t believe in cramps, someone was eager to try and disprove the comparison.

People Don’t Know Much About Periods

Real Times

This sister found out that her two brothers have no idea what women’s pads are or how to use them. They were somewhat perplexed when she informed them that they actually stick to a woman’s knickers because they insisted that they genuinely need to be inserted. These brothers mistakenly believed that period products should be applied to a woman’s body rather than her clothing, which is completely untrue.

Women Aren’t Really Related to Squids

Women Aren't Really Related to Squids

There is a human somewhere in the world who has never heard of mascara and believes that women cry ink like squids. He’s never heard of cosmetics in general, so he undoubtedly believes that ladies who apply mascara just have naturally thick, dark lashes. Thankfully, waterproof mascara is now available, allowing ladies to cry freely without seeming to be aquatic animals.

A Place Where Babies Don’t Grow

Real Times

We wouldn’t describe seeing a sonogram as strange, but it may certainly be an unusual experience, particularly for the parents involved. The guy who made this remark doesn’t seem to comprehend that a woman’s womb is generally located in her front, not her back. Though the baby is the only thing visible during a sonogram, women actually do kind of have to get comfy throughout the procedure, regardless of the location.

Pregnancy Isn’t a One Time Thing

Pregnancy Isn't a One Time Thing

When someone learnt that their buddy believed pregnancy to be a one-time event, they were quite taken aback. Furthermore, they believed that women’s bodies contained seeds that could predict when a child would be born or whether they should stop having children altogether. Yes, women do have eggs, but they do not have seeds. Humans cannot be reproduced by seeds, but plants and vegetables certainly can.

It’s Not as Gross as It Sounds

Real Times

Someone who isn’t a parent or simply doesn’t understand the human body may find it strange that a child is being breastfed. That’s the exact state of mind this man is in right now, at least. They appear to think that mother’s milk is just a simple beverage with no health benefits, which is far from the reality. Furthermore, milk production is a trait shared by mammals, including humans, not only cows.

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Aria Skylark


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