Real Moments When People Got Exactly What They Deserved


Some people never experience the repercussions of their acts for years, while others experience what we like to refer to as quick karma. That is the way the cosmos makes up for the good and evil things that individuals do. Prepare to witness some justice being served with this real-life example of the adage “what goes around, comes around,” whether you believe in it or not. These real-life incidents of individuals receiving what they deserve will make you laugh.

Don’t Mess With a Marine

Real Moments

This young man reasoned that it would be simple money to attack the home of an elderly man who appeared to be defenceless. He entered and brandished a knife, threatening the 73-year-old man and his spouse. However, what he was unaware of was that this man was in excellent physical condition and had previously served as a marine, boxer, and instructor in hand-to-hand combat. And it’s evident from the photo who prevailed in this conflict.


It’s likely that this young man never thought the break-in would end this way, but it proves that sometimes individuals do get what they deserve!

For Her, Karma Was Losing the Election

There is nothing more fulfilling than exacting a small, insignificant retribution on those who genuinely deserve it. Even though homosexual marriage is already legal, Kim Davis once turned down David Ermold’s application for a marriage licence on the grounds that he was gay. What did he avenge? He made the decision to run against her for office two years later. In this photo, he is seen signing up to challenge her for the position of county clerk in Kentucky while they are seated together.Kim Davis, who was vying to replace David as the current clerk, also lost the election. This was an instance of well merited karma.


In the Modern World, Karma Is Served Through WiFi

Real Moments

When someone does something shameful, like the one below, they frequently attempt to hide behind a mask. These teens painted swastikas and other derogatory phrases all around campus while hiding their identities behind masks. They were swiftly apprehended, nevertheless, when it was discovered that their phones had automatically linked to the Wi-Fi and revealed all of their names, making it possible to identify and punish them.

This Bully Didn’t See It Coming

This is a sad but sweet story. Although it pains us to learn of bullying, it’s encouraging to know that there are people who band together to confront bullies, particularly when they aren’t the ones you would have thought. The individual who made this post clarified that their father was raised in a neighbourhood where gangs were prevalent. There was a young homosexual man living in that neighbourhood who tutored LGBT leaders for free.
As a result, when this young man was being bullied for being gay, the gang leaders banded together to defend him. You don’t hear stories like that too often.

There’s a Reason You Shouldn’t Park in Front of a Fire Hydrant

Have you ever wondered why parking in front of a fire hydrant is not a good idea? Here’s evidence, though, that you ought to abide by the rules even if you don’t fully comprehend or care about them. Instead of receiving a citation, this individual paid the price for parking in front of a fire hydrant illegally. The adjoining fire required access to the fire hydrant for the local firefighters to put out the flames.
They simply smashed the windows and disregarded the illegally parked automobile in order to finish the work because they weren’t going to let anything stop them from putting out the fire.

And That Was the Last Time He Didn’t Stop for Pedestrians

Real Moments

There are plenty of terrible drivers out there who don’t even have the patience to stop at a crosswalk so that pedestrians can cross. This man drove, and he stopped in a way that was both responsible and compliant with the law. However, the person behind him became irate and began yelling and honking at him to get moving. Even as he waited for everyone to cross, the impolite driver attempted to past him.
This individual had no idea that the person he was attempting to pass was a police officer. This man received his rightful karma in a matter of moments.


24 Bars of Chocolate: $24, Price of Karma: Priceless

There are times when you have to stand up for what’s right and ensure that people receive the justice they are due. When a child started acting up and throwing a fit because his mother wouldn’t buy him the largest candy bar instead of the smaller one, this father was standing in line at the store. His mother stated she would buy the larger bar when they got to the register because she didn’t have the stamina to handle his outburst.

An Unsuccessful Hit and Run

Hit-and-run incidents are merely dreadful. How can you wreck someone else’s car and ruin their life and then try to leave like nothing happened? Despite making mistakes, people frequently get away with their crimes and are never apprehended. But this individual was unable to escape unscathed. When they attempted to flee, their license plate became lodged in the vehicle they struck, giving the victim access to all of their personal details.
The owner of this red automobile appears to have had his or her back. The automobile made sure they were safe even though they were unable to obtain the contact information required to apprehend this individual.

When You Slap a Woman Not Knowing That She’s a Public Officer and Can Take You to Jail

Real Moments

This attorney believed he would never be held responsible for his acts and that he could get away with anything. That’s the reason he smacked this woman without second thought. He had no idea, though, that she was in fact a state servant! Shortly after, the same woman—but wearing a uniform this time—presented him to the court after he had been arrested for his actions. This is her escorting him in handcuffs to the court.

He Better Hope He Doesn’t Come Across Any of Her Students

Brock Turner, a college student who assaulted a female classmate, was the subject of intense indignation. After his imprisonment in March 2016, this professor made the decision to put him in a textbook she was preparing, which was released the following year. Which chapter did she select in the textbook? a paragraph outlining what constitutes rape. That’s Turner’s face right next to it.


This Entitled Parker Faced the Wrath of the Zip Ties

Nothing is worse than spending endless time searching for a place to park only to discover that there would be plenty available if individuals didn’t want to abuse it for their own selfish ends. Consider the individual who opted to park carelessly and occupy several parking spaces. However, it appears that this woman was the target of retaliation when unknown individuals zip-tied shopping carts to her car, preventing her from leaving and trapping her there.

We Bet the Twins’ Mom Has Some Regrets

Real Moments

Racism is evil, and some people don’t even try to disguise their cruel and racist views. When the time came for this woman to receive an epidural at the hospital, she refused to have it from the nurse who had come, saying, “There is no way she could be her nurse.” The epidural time window had elapsed by the time another nurse arrived, so she was out of luck.

She Tried to Kick Dust Onto Some Cyclists and Then This Happened

The numerous signs alerting cars to the presence of cyclists on the road and advising them to share the space appropriately have a purpose. But this woman chose not to pay attention or care, and she sped up, slicing through the cyclists and attempting to create a dust storm as she went. She appears to have driven a bit too quickly, flipping her automobile in the process.

Let This Serve as a Warning for Any Teenagers Thinking of Doing the Same

In life, it’s true that what goes around sometimes does come around. This woman admitted to her father that she was out of beverages and couldn’t afford to buy any for the next weekend. Giving her a big bottle from the kitchen, he was quite kind. He didn’t know that the girl had stolen the entire bottle when she was sixteen and replaced it with water, but he still felt it was a great gift.


This City Mayor Isn’t Afraid to Publicly Shame Any Naughty Citizens

Imagine that you believe it is okay to litter the ground and toss your trash out the window. And then picture yourself being so foolish as to do that while the mayor is following you in your car. It only goes to show how crucial it is to always act morally and appropriately, especially when you believe no one is looking, even if this person had no way of knowing it was the mayor driving behind him.

“And That, Kids, Is How I Met Your Mother”

Real Moments

This could be among the most absurd news headlines you’ve ever seen. It almost seems too good to be real, like something straight out of a fairy tale! In Oregon, a woman driving a stolen vehicle was collided with by a guy operating a stolen vehicle. Not only does the coincidence seem even more bizarre, but the two individuals appear strikingly similar, almost like they could be twins.

When Having a (very) Dirty Car Comes in Handy

Have you ever imagined that one day you’d be so happy you forgot to wash your car? Who would have guessed that there would be a use for all that muck and dirt? When someone rear-ended them and left the scene without giving their details, this person definitely realised the advantages of keeping the car a little dirty. Their whole license plate was visible through the dirt.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Nauseous Pregnant Woman

Being pregnant is no joke. There are several discomforts and challenges associated with it, with nausea and vomiting being among the most prevalent and well-known. There were no seats left as this woman boarded the bus. She politely requested a man’s seat because she was pregnant and felt quite unwell. In an extremely impolite manner, he told her to stay standing and attacked women for desiring equality.

Sometimes Honkers Have Good Intentions

In life, people often interpret situations incorrectly. They are too quick to become angry and irritated with those around them. When this woman heard the automobile next to her honking at her, she reacted very depressingly. She gave the woman the finger and drove off, not bothering to check if anything was okay. She would never understand that the woman was attempting to assist her.

Have Fun With the Bed Bugs!

Real Moments

Even though it’s always immoral and bad, some people continue to steal as though it’s acceptable. As the man entered a restaurant to get something to eat, the stranger made the decision to steal the mattress that was in the back of his truck. They had no idea that they had taken the worst kind of mattress. This man had recently retrieved the mattress from a friend in order to get rid of the bed insect infestation.

She Shouldn’t Have Been Shady

Among the karma in this list, this one is arguably the purest and cutest. This person placed rabbit ears behind their friend’s head in the shot in an attempt to make them appear ridiculous, but they were not aware of it. The girl also ended up having bunny ears behind her head in the picture, completing the bunny ear duet, because of the room’s lighting and shadows.

An Unexpected Alliance Between Uber and Lyft

This woman believed that she could get away with anything and that she would never be held accountable for her careless behaviour. She chose to violently cough all over her Uber driver—a move that, even before the Corona age, would have been seen quite offensive—and then she threatened to sue the company. Lyft made the decision to defend its rival and ban the rider from their community for good. She was not absolved of her actions.

Good Luck Getting Out of That One

This person’s parking decision is even more repulsive because, according to some, the buses are blood donation trucks and they parked in a medical zone. If that’s not the case, it’s also fairly frustrating to choose to park in such a huge area with such reckless abandon. Why is it that certain people are never able to park inside the lines? This person will, at the very least, have to think about what they did.

Even Chipotle Isn’t Exempt From the Laws of the Universe

Real Moments

This is one of the rare instances where a company was made to answer for its actions and a compelling tale of how one person refused to be bullied by large conglomerates. This man was dismissed for allegedly stealing $626, a charge that turned out to be untrue. What was the most startling aspect? A contrived scenario on the lower echelons of the food chain. After suing the firm, she was awarded $8 million.

The Taxi Driver Has Spoken

This message may appear a little unclear at first, but everything starts to make sense as you get to the last sentence. The taxi driver wrote this remark as a humorous form of retaliation against the customer who was nasty to him during the entire drive and even refused to pay the fare at the end of the trip since the man left his phone in the car.

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Aria Skylark


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