Oops, Sorry

The majority of individuals find it difficult to enjoy their work lives, and foul odours in their shared office make it much more difficult. Nobody wants to type while listening to the smell of leftover tuna and old ketchup, after all. And once this employee had had enough of the foul-smelling trash cans in the office, they wrote a courteous sign urging everyone to use a different trash can. They were surprised to receive a passive-aggressive note in response. Furthermore, the note was scrawled in ketchup and was passive-aggressive! They also performed a respectable job with the handwriting.
Note to Self: Fortune 500 Companies Do Not Use Comic Sans

What a way to hit someone where the hurt is! A beautiful notice with the words “Please keep the door closed!!!” and a kind “Thank you!!!” was displayed by an employee of this unidentified Fortune 500 company. However, they made one crucial, unforgivable error: they utilised Comic Sans for the sign. No amount of “please” or “thank you” could redeem them. Additionally, it seems that Comic Sans is not allowed at Fortune 500s.To remind the person who created the sign that they are employed by a Fortune 500 corporation and not a lemonade stand, someone replied to it. Aww!
When Labeling Your Food Doesn’t Stop the Office Thief/troll

All right, say what you want about those who take food from their coworkers, but this tiny crook is funny. Although we strongly disapprove of him consuming someone else’s food, at least he amused the company with this amusing sign. “A strange new trend at the office,” it says. Food in the company refrigerator is being labelled by people. I got a tuna sandwich called Kevin today. Paran-cha!We couldn’t say the same for Kevin, but this one made us laugh. We hope he didn’t go hungry today, poor guy.
We Have a Feeling They’re Always at 0 Days

Signs such as this are found in the offices of numerous businesses worldwide, pertaining to various topics. Signs in warehouses may indicate the number of days since an employee was last hurt at work, sales organisations may display the number of days since their previous sales record, etc. Since their sign counts down the days since someone was last sarcastic, we’re not sure what this company focusses on.Naturally, there have been no days. And since someone scrawled something caustic on the sign itself, it appears that it will remain at zero!
Totally Friend-Zoned

There is always someone taking on the caretaker position in a shared office environment, whether it’s the office manager or just someone who has stepped up above their pay grade. They are responsible for keeping the common kitchen clean, discarding outdated food from the shared refrigerator, and sending reminder messages to individuals who bring their own food. We can comprehend the original note, on the one hand.However, they had to understand that writing something like this was only begging for such a funny reaction, didn’t they? Nevertheless, we support the individual who was friend-zoned three times.
Don’t Worry Bout Da Ink

It’s likely that you work in an office with a printer, regardless of the business you’re in. It’s possible that your office has several printers! However, how many of those printers are truly operational on a typical day? They’re either jammed, their ink has gone out, or no one can figure out which buttons to hit. It may perhaps rank among the most taxing aspects of your work.However, this office worker chose to mock the scenario rather than becoming irate with this printer. They also made the decision to enlist the aid of Bob Marley.
It’s so Beautiful

There are two options available to you when working in an office: you can bring your own mug from home or use one of the common office mugs for your morning coffee. Additionally, some people prefer the familiarity of their favourite mug with reindeer on it, while others are happy to drink from any ordinary mug. However, you have to deal with the possibility of theft when you do that. There’s no denying that this is one of the most amazing reactions we’ve ever seen, even though the owner of the reindeer cup was clearly upset that people were touching it. The image elevates it to a new level.
Aren’t We All?

The diverse range of individuals crammed into one area is what makes working in an office so amazing. There are a mix of jocks, nerds, and people in between at certain offices. However, there is always someone in practically every office who considers themselves to be a philosopher of some sort. They are the first to start a conversation on global events, they question everything, and they are frequently seen lost in thought.Therefore, we can only presume that the person who chose to write this sticky note was the office’s philosopher. We also think the whole thing is funny for some reason.
Or the Pen Gets It

Pens are like gold dust, as everyone who has ever worked in an office knows. If you locate a pen, you must keep it close at hand and hope no one finds out your secret. However, one office worker was careless with their pen this time and left it lying around. Naturally, their colleagues quickly devised a complex pen robbery strategy. You have to respect the ingenuity of this hostage scenario. Simply telling their coworker that they had taken their pen would have sufficed. Rather, they made the decision to profit from it!
The Office Meme

Have you ever been amazed by the incompetence and sloth of some of your coworkers when working in an office? You’re not alone, though. Evidently, the creator of their own office meme had had enough of being lazy and was sick of constantly seeing filthy dishes in the washbasin. They made the decision to take action, and this is the first time we’ve seen anything like that.
The individual who left their mug in the sink probably felt like a fool the next time they attempted this act because it’s the ideal mix of humorous and passive-aggressive.
Pot Calling Kettle

Office bosses reprimanding you for something they also frequently do is really aggravating, isn’t it? The primary source of conflict in offices is the superiority divide, and the original sticky note sticker is not to blame for including this information on the paper sign. After all, after someone has hung the sign using thumbtacks in the wall, you cannot instruct them not to do so.However, what transpired next is the perfect example of passive-aggression, and we are obsessed with it. We especially adore the individual who chose to use purple sticky notes.
Darnit, Debbie!

There’s a Debbie in every office, right? She is the one who snatches your food behind your back and tries to get away with it while being sickly sweet to your face. And although most people will just brush it off as “Debbie being Debbie,” it appears that this office made the decision to remove Debbie and organise an intervention that would hopefully put an end to her ravenous behaviour.Sometimes a simple reminder that the food you didn’t bring to work isn’t truly yours is all that’s needed. However, did Debbie pay attention to these notes or did she disregard them? We’ll never know, I suppose.
We Can’t Be Too Sure, but We Think Someone Took One of the Red Bull Cans

In the scenario depicted in the picture below, an anonymous coworker takes a can of Red Bull from a person who has brought their own to the office and placed it in the shared refrigerator. The amusing thing is that the person who took this can made it even more evident than necessary because, in the absence of a paper-illustrated can to replace it, someone is less likely to notice that a can is gone.The person who created this design deserves praise because it is obvious that they are talented (and have a sense of humour).
When Housekeeping Doesn’t Clean up the Dead Cricket, the Employees Make It a Memorial

In the scenario depicted in the picture below, personnel decided to make the cup half full when it may have been regarded as half empty. Employees took matters into their own hands when office housekeeping failed to notice a dead cricket on the floor and left it there for the next day. Instead of removing the bug, they made a charming monument in its honour.”Rest in peace Mr. Cricket, You will be missed,” is written on one of the memorial’s charming signs. This office obviously has a knack for hiring humorous individuals.
Go Carolyn

Passive-aggressive office notes work well when you’re addressing a group of individuals in the same shared workspace, but they don’t work as well when you’re addressing a single person. After all, it seems a little cowardly, because everyone knows who you’re talking about. When Carolyn realised this note was about her, she determined to get her own back, and it appears that she felt the same way.One of the greatest things we’ve ever witnessed is the fact that she fixed the grammar of the passive-aggressive note that was aimed at her. Carolyn is someone we’d like to be friends with.