Even Celebrities Dig Themselves Into a Hole Sometimes

While it may seem like renowned actor Neil Patrick Harris is untouchable, just have a look at Exhibit A! He made the unpleasant decision to confront a woman he had met backstage at the Tony Awards in 2018. He gave the impression that he had no idea who she was when he shared this on the internet for all of his fans to see. Sadly for her, the actress Rachel Bloom, who was that woman, wasn’t going to let him get away with it.
Ultimately, not only had the two actors crossed paths many times, but her spouse spent an incredible five years working on his show! The next time they saw each other, that must have been awkward.
Always Check the Last Name

Rumours abound on the internet, but you probably don’t need us to tell you that. Everyone has the freedom to create their own narrative, and in the football community, this is common. David Fergus actually chose to weigh in on the discussion surrounding Burnley soccer star Jay Rodriguez by revealing the rumour he had heard. However, he didn’t seem to like being questioned by another Twitter user!
But David was schooled in the most hilarious way imaginable when he asked his critic for his source. Jay’s father was able to convey a lot of meaning with just three words. People, always double-check the surnames!
Don’t Patronize the Professor

Regretfully, it’s quite simple to be taken advantage of online. And it may be very difficult, especially if all you want to do is express your opinions online without having to put up with obnoxious people who assume they are experts in everything. When the professor chose to voice her frustration to Java, she came to understand this for herself. The patronisers quickly assembled, of course, and this guy even included a wink expression just for good measure!
This lecturer chose to correct him, pointing out that she was well knowledgeable about the material she was meant to be learning, rather than simply dismissing his condescending remark. Go on, professor!
We Don’t Think a 3-Time Grammy-Winner Needs Your Publicity, Kylie

Because they feel they have so much to offer, people on the internet project an air of superiority. However, many are unaware of how beneficial research can be, particularly when contacting musicians! While we applaud Kylie for providing up-and-coming musicians with an opportunity to showcase their talents on her radio station, we can’t help but feel that she ought to have done more homework before sending Annie Lennox an email.
Music superstar Annie chose to post this email on Twitter and laugh it off rather than just ignore it. However, we’re willing to wager that Kylie learnt her lesson and will never again send an ill-informed and uninvited email.
“I Dunno, Man”

Let’s face it, everybody believes they are an authority on Twitter. People make embarrassing comments about anything from politics to war to global warming, especially when they remark on other people’s posts. Katie anticipated some supportive responses when she chose to voice her concerns about climate change. Rather than what she expected, she received a denier of global warming who wanted to tell her that it was all a scam!
Gary ought to have given Katie’s profile a closer look before responding, though. Had he done so, he would have discovered that she actually holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics! Yes, this really went wrong for him.
They Didn’t Realize Lewis Black Was Watching Them Take Photos With Lewis Black

Nowadays, celebrity culture permeates every aspect of society. Our favourite celebrities are available for us to watch on TV, follow on social media, and even try to meet them in person. And these admirers knew they had to snap a photo with their idol as soon as they came across a billboard of him. However, had they been a bit more perceptive, they might have noticed that he was a little closer than they initially believed.
The man himself chose to share this picture on social media in reaction to this amusing interaction. And when his supporters saw it, we can’t help but believe they were kicking themselves!
What Does J. K. Rowling Really Know About Harry Potter, Anyway?

As one of the most successful franchises ever, “Harry Potter” fans may be quite fervent, which is not surprising. Although everyone has their own opinions and sentiments regarding the stories, only J.K. Rowling truly knows the answers. That’s obviously not what the creator of the Harry Potter Fans Twitter page thought. They weren’t hesitant to inform Rowling that they thought they were correct!
Though we’ve heard of Q&A sessions with well-known authors, we’ve never heard of someone directly asking an author why anything occurred in their work. A new low for the online community, that.
WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? Probably Not Call the Police

You can’t help but feel bad for this priest. He spent the time to have this moving Jesus statue put in front of his church, only to have someone report it to the police. Why? They presumably called the police because they believed the person to be homeless. Had they just walked a bit closer to the “homeless person,” they would have discovered that, in reality, they knew exactly who was sitting on the bench.
It is a statue of Jesus, indeed! What irony. Perhaps the monument accomplished exactly what it was meant to in some respects.
That Side Angle, Though

If you’ve ever seen a celebrity in the open, you’ve undoubtedly occasionally had to question your own actions. It’s awkward, after all, to approach a stranger and assume they’re a celebrity only to find out they’re just your typical Joe. However, the employee working the drive-through was clearly very certain that the man he was observing inside the vehicle resembled Tony Hawk. So he made the decision to inform him!
But Tony’s expression of displeasure told it all when he turned to confront the employee. Tony must have felt somewhat let down by that as well. He just resembles himself from the side, after all!
This Dude Just Got Served

Nothing is more irritating than hearing someone yell about a subject they don’t understand. The information, the expertise, and the facts are missing from their possession. We therefore concur with the general idea expressed by the first man. The only issue is that it appears he is talking exclusively about himself! Yes, the person he’s replying to may have “baffled” him, but we’re as perplexed by him.
He only made himself look foolish by casting doubt on the veracity of an actual expert. And we’re happy that Maajid responded without holding back! Isn’t it a major mic drop?
We Sincerely Hope You’re Joking

It’s safe to say that most individuals enjoy airing their grievances, particularly when they feel mistreated. It can’t help but feel like this “Anonymous” individual is one of those persons that enjoys complaining on the internet just for the sake of complaining. They had to scoff at the “stupid hipster chick” who was ignorant of the “Star Wars” saga after seeing this photo on the internet. How mistaken they were, oh!
It appears that this commenter ought to be reprimanded for not having seen every film. Had they done so, they would have come to understand that Natalie Portman was the actual “Star Wars” legend.
He’s Written for Them, But Has He Taken the Time to Watch Them?

Even if you post something as basic as “I like oranges” online, you can nearly always count on someone to react with an attack on oranges and an explanation of why they’re the worst food ever. It’s true that some people enjoy criticising only for the pleasure of doing so, and frequently they have no idea who or what they’re really criticising. This time, it’s evident that this person was completely clueless.
No, you are not seeing things. This individual actually did inform the “Doctor Who” writer that they could tell he had never watched an earlier episode of the program. This is truly embarrassing.
Time to Fact Check

Learning to slow down is one skill that many individuals need to acquire. Too many people make snap decisions and assumptions before they have all the information at hand. Furthermore, this rarely ends up being advantageous to them. When the critic chose to confront Eric with his own post on the company he truly worked for, he came to that realisation for himself. It’s impossible to make up.
Really, Eric’s response says it all. The “Yep” is a good clue that he is aware that the person he is speaking with is undeserving of any more of his valuable time. You’re free, Eric.
She Works for Marvel So, Yeah, We’d Say She’s a Fan of Comics

In this world, there are two types of people. On a dating app, some people might be thrilled to meet another comic book fan, while others would try to discredit the other person by attempting to disprove their fandom. And in response to Leah’s love and enthusiasm for comic books, this individual immediately tested whether or not she was a true fan when they matched on a dating app.
This person was unaware that Leah was actually employed by Marvel and contributed to the writing of the comic that she was being tested on. We just know she would defeat him every time!
Prime Ministers Aren’t Exempt From Providing a Bibliography

The Coin for Peace Twitter feed is, on the one hand, acting appropriately. They sought clarification and concrete proof that the individual making the claim was accurate by requesting a source from this Tweet. However, it’s clear that the person who created this Twitter page didn’t check to see who had originally tweeted this information before choosing to respond with a smart-aleck of their own.
Had they looked closely, they would have seen that they were enquiring about the sources of the Prime Minister of Malta himself! He has, in our opinion, the best sources available.
He Missed His Chance to Network With the Marvel Editor in Chief… No Big Deal

Alright, so we can sort of comprehend this circumstance. It can be rather frustrating when someone interrupts you in the middle of a private conversation with friends or coworkers. But when this person realised that the person who had interrupted them and wanted to see their comic portfolio was really the chief editor of Marvel Comics, we bet they were kicking themselves!
We would have liked to see their expression when they eventually saw this Tweet online. Many individuals would kill to have C.B. Cebulski look at their portfolio.
A Real Life Horror Story

Stephen King is well-known to all, right? Even though this author is arguably one of the most well-known writers of all time, some people undoubtedly don’t like what they write. And that is okay at all! Books are after all subjective, and each person has different opinions and sentiments about them. But why would someone read a Richard Bachman book if they weren’t a fan of Stephen King?
Stephen King actually writes under the pen name Richard Bachman. Therefore, the critic who mistakenly believed that they were disparaging King in their critique was actually praising him!
Mansplaining Gone Wrong

Telling someone they’re mistaken can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. However, when you approach someone with this information, it’s usually a good idea to have evidence that they are mistaken. While some guys take this approach, others don’t devote as much time and thought to it before they charge headlong. One such man is this one, and in the course of mansplaining, he looked quite foolish.
Despite his attempts to refute Emma’s claims by using a study paper, he was unaware that she was the original author of the document. It had to have been uncomfortable!
Just Part of the Crowd

We feel bad for Mike Joyce this time, even though we know a lot of celebs would prefer to blend in with the background. He wanted to fit in, of course, but to be being schooled by someone who had no idea who he was? That had to have caused some minor pain. particularly when the man seated across from him chose to educate him a little bit about the band he was in.
Rather than confronting him face-to-face, Mike made the decision to document the delightfully embarrassing meeting on the internet. The concertgoer must have felt foolish after watching this. That was Mike Joyce, after all!
That Time Benson Mayowa Put Someone in Timeout

People are mean in this world just for the sake of being mean, and while some take this personally, others fight back! When Dallas Cowboys player Benson Mayowa tweeted his team’s most recent score on social media, a Seahawks fan commented that he was just joining the bandwagon. Yes, the Seahawks fan cheers for a different club, but then why even comment?
Benson chose to reply to the tweet in a comedic way, indicating that he felt the same way. We also have to concur with him. I think it would be better if this guy went and stood in a corner.
The Cosplay Criticism

You could mistakenly believe that cosplay is just a free-for-all where anyone can dress whatever they choose if you’re not into it. However, this uncomfortable conversation demonstrates that this is untrue! Everyone seems to have their own set of standards that they expect others to follow, and one individual had some strong feelings about this woman’s decision to change from purple to amethyst in Steven Universe. Who knew you couldn’t get a purple tint?
We’re surprised that this critic believed that a white person couldn’t become purple. Now that we know, I suppose.
Who’s Telling the Truth?

Regretfully, there are a lot of lies on the internet. Individuals enjoy fabricating stories to gain attention, but because there are so many liars in the world, it can be challenging to separate the truth from lies. We also don’t know who to believe in this situation! Either Booker is fabricating a tale for effect, or Vince was heckled off the stage. This Twitter interaction was definitely awkward, regardless of how it happened.
There’s only going to be one outcome in this because Booker and Vince are both fairly assured in their own lanes. We would want to hear from additional attendees of the Houston Mac Miller show!
Excuse Us Ma’am, Are You Familiar With Your Own Work?

Nothing is more enjoyable than witnessing someone lose everything in a Twitter dispute. And while a critic can occasionally be brought down by a deserving opponent, other times they have to put in all the effort themselves. Not convinced by us? Just glance at this man. He sent this woman some reading to “familiarise” herself with in an attempt to school her on Twitter. He was handing the woman her own job, without realising it.
We can only presume that this guy felt far too ashamed and mortified to post on Twitter again because we are unable to see his reaction. And with good reason.
They Should’ve Double-Checked His Resume Before Sending That Email

Nothing is more depressing than getting rejected for a job you truly want and believe you are qualified for. However, this was an even greater blow to this man, who had been rejected in the most brutal manner. He was urged to read a piece he had written himself in order to obtain more knowledge and understanding in this rejection email! No, you are not capable of writing this.
This man chose to respond to the condescending email by demonstrating his worthiness rather than tossing it aside. and demonstrate his absolute talent. They were probably apologetic.
Taking It Well

Twitter is a great platform for global exchanges with like-minded individuals. You may talk about films, sports, music, and much more, and that’s precisely what these individuals were doing! However, they were not prepared for the director of the film they were talking about to enter the discussion. Fortunately, it appears that David isn’t overly sensitive and is merely grateful that someone saw his film.
Indeed, it appeared like he handled the criticism quite well. Even though his horror film received criticism for being “boring” and “not scary,” it was essentially insignificant. Try to emulate David more.