The most well-known court scene from Legally Blonde is when Elle Woods has her “fire moment” in the courtroom and gets Chutney to admit that she was the one who had harmed her father because she had lied about getting her perm.

We pondered whether similar situations occur in actual courtrooms after seeing Elle’s adorable look when she realized she had the case in the bag. Well, some of these attorneys say they definitely do.
Watch your words

It’s crucial to just pay attention to what we say since sometimes we let things slide by the way we frame our statements.
For instance, this mother went to court to allege that she was struck by a man on his bike and to sue him for frightening her as he suddenly started to ride away. If she hadn’t unintentionally revealed the true tale, she might have been able to have him.
Cover your tracks

We would think that having a clever mind is just as important as having guts to be a burglar, but it seems that this crook has no idea how to rob a house and escape with it.
When he considered breaking into someone’s house in the middle of the Colorado winter, he truly did not think things through, leaving a fairly obvious trail in the snow for the police to follow.
Facebook gave him away

Everyone, including lawyers, should be aware of the fact that whatever you post on social media is publicly visible for free.
After a video of him lifting 300 pounds was found on his Facebook page, this man was unable to maintain his claim that he was seriously hurt in a small automobile accident. I’m sorry, dude. You should check your privacy settings or maybe avoid lying in court.
Say what?

We occasionally hear statements made in court, and we simply want to know if they comprehend the meaning of “defending yourself.”
For example, do people not understand that their comments on the witness stand have the power to persuade the jury that they are guilty or innocent? People like this man, who claimed to have listed the store where he was arrested shoplifting as an employee, truly make us question if humanity has any chance.
Just make it add up

Making sure the lie adds up and makes sense is one important piece of advice we would want to provide people before they start telling lies in court.
For instance, we would strongly advise against claiming to have received a citation for operating your vehicle in a particular area when you were at work an hour and a half away from the ticket’s location.
Fancy footwear

Though it may seem counterintuitive, this man appeared to believe that it was acceptable to appear in court while wearing stolen property.
He essentially incriminated himself instantly when he arrived for his case wearing a pair of stolen sneakers. It’s possible that this story would have ended slightly differently if he had simply arrived wearing a different pair of shoes.
Show us what you can’t do

This man’s grandfather was defending a man who was accused of hitting another man in a car accident when the plaintiff informed him that he was now suffering from “whupneck” as a result of the collision.
Grandpa’s lawyer requested the plaintiff to demonstrate because, like us, he had no idea what this “whupneck” item was. The plaintiff essentially demonstrated to the jury that the entire situation was a hoax when he started to demonstrate his limitations.
Walking is now considered traveling

This woman reportedly listed the distances she would need to travel for work as “unreimbursed business expenses,” including the kilometers she spent walking around an apartment building delivering mail.
Why she believed she could get away with this is unknown to us. Ultimately, nobody we know would genuinely think of walking as a legitimate expense that ought to be factored in for taxation.
The philosopher

When making a statement on the stand, we would advise people to avoid becoming too philosophical and instead to go right to the point.
In this instance, the man made the decision to begin doubting his capacity to distinguish between reality and dreams. Even while we’re not entirely sure what he meant by that statement, we can be certain—just as the court was—that he is a very unreliable witness.
The bedridden boarder

The next time you want to make an injury claim, just make sure that nothing contradicting is posted on any social media sites.
For instance, while he was supposed to be bedridden because of an injury, this guy decided it would be okay to broadcast a video of him enjoying himself in the snow. It goes without saying that he lost the lawsuit really fast.
Fooled by a Ferrari

What a trickster this man over here is. Putting a Ferrari sticker on his Toyota seemed like a smart idea. It turns out that he benefits from it.
Every time he receives a Ferrari ticket, he just contests the charges in court, arguing that he could not have been the guilty party because he does not drive a Ferrari. He supports his argument by pulling out his trusty Toyota.
Saved by dentures

We never imagined that we would be the ones to say this, but as it happens, dentures have saved the day.
Since his dentures were upstairs in his room when the prosecutor said he was nibbling at him, this man only needed to demonstrate that biting someone was, in reality, an impossible accomplishment for him to accomplish. In the end, these dentures succeeded.
Nonzero nonsense

Although we have heard of a room having zero persons, we cannot claim to have ever heard of the term “nonzero.”
This man’s perception of the number of individuals surrounding him at the time of the incident appears to have been somewhat confused. We have to admit that it is really intriguing that minor misunderstandings like this are what reveal the truth. In court, a seemingly insignificant verbal blunder might have serious consequences!
Date more diligently

It appears that people could not get away with as much as they do if police officers were just a little more conscientious and paid a little more attention to what they are writing down while issuing citations.
This man’s refusal to pay his fine after it was incorrectly dated is not our fault. We believe that the police officer should be held accountable for his careless error.
How about some fact checking?

Before threatening to sue, this man obviously did not verify his information. Ultimately, if you are going to con someone, at least do it correctly and obtain all the information you need.
A bed and breakfast was obviously closed for the season, so don’t try to con them by threatening to sue them for causing you food sickness. Errors such as these only serve to expose people as the complete idiots they are.
Caught by a monogram

Although we all adore customized gear, we never imagined that it would be used to prevent a home invasion.
When he received a shirt with his last name printed on it, this man most likely didn’t think so either. Fortunately for him, though, this robber decided it was a very cool t-shirt and grabbed it while he was robbing someone. Then, wearing this T-shirt, he was caught on camera attempting to pass off his stolen goods.
Taking it all

One of the most messy aspects of the entire divorce process is the division and distribution of assets when a marriage goes awry. It was evident that this pair had been playing mind games from the start, and when the husband dealt his ex-wife the uno reverse card, everything reached a breaking point.
Because the wife had botched up by trying to seize everything, the husband’s lawyers were far superior to the wife’s, and they had worked out a bargain where he still owned everything.
Dog Days Are Over

Any legal proceeding is difficult, but it becomes even more difficult when animals are involved. I mean, they can’t really testify? Because of a neighbor’s personal grudge, this couple nearly had their dog taken away.
Fortunately, the wife saw the neighbor’s boy in the corner, who appeared to be playing with a cable. The dog was allowed to leave after they blamed the child for everything.