25 Funny Text Conversations Between Parents and Their Kids


We most likely wouldn’t be where we are now if it weren’t for our parents. We will always be thankful to these individuals for giving up years of their lives to raise us. But just because we adore them unconditionally doesn’t mean we can’t occasionally make fun of them for their ignorance.

Funny Text Conversations

What do you mean?

These days, words seem to require so much work. This is the reason why so many things are abbreviated as “IDK” for “I Don’t Know” and “TTYL” for “Talk To You Later.” As long as the other person understands what you’re saying, they make communicating one another considerably faster.

Funny Text Conversations

This mother asked her child to explain them because, it’s safe to assume, she doesn’t fall into that category. She chose to ask their sister because, regrettably, she misinterpreted her child’s reaction as indicating that they were equally unaware.

You only live once

It’s likely that you’ve heard of the acronym “YOLO.” This phrase, which stands for “You Only Live Once,” is frequently used by people to defend outrageous behavior. The term is probably well-known to this mother, or at the very least, she is aware of its popularity.

Funny Text Conversations

She probably tossed it out when she warned her child to drive carefully on snowy roads because of this. However, the response telling her it’s not meant to be a warning made it seem a bit more menacing than it actually was.

You forgot your phone

These days, it is almost unlikely for someone to leave their phone anyplace. After all, a lot of individuals are essentially dependent on these gadgets, making it impossible for them to live without them. It seems that one person did, however, manage to leave their phone at home, and their dad happened to find it.

Funny Text Conversations

The father decided that telling their child that they had forgotten the gadget was the wisest course of action. However, it appears that their attempt to do so was a quite foolish one.

For the likes

People have developed the habit of uploading pictures of themselves all the time because social media sites are so prevalent these days. Like this one, some of these images are more artistic and intended to garner likes. Regretfully, it appears that some parents are unfamiliar with this idea.

Funny Text Conversations

Because of this, this mother was unable to comprehend what her son had done with his hand when she viewed his picture. The purpose of the photo was negated when she instructed him to take another photograph without hiding his face.

He will be missed

When you’re not speaking to someone directly, emojis are a fantastic method to convey your feelings. They have the power to significantly alter a message’s tone, which is important if you want others to recognize when you’re kidding.

Naturally, choosing from the wide variety of emojis can occasionally be challenging. This is particularly true if you’ve never used them before and don’t know what they all mean. This mother erred by selecting a laughing emoji rather than a sobbing one.

Well that’s fantastic

Parents really shouldn’t use acronyms if they don’t understand them. It can, after all, result in some terrible miscommunications. Sometimes parents understand the meaning of these letters, but other times they are given the wrong side of the argument.

Funny Text Conversations

They believe, for example, that “W T F” is a contraction of “Well That’s Fantastic.” The good news is that this mother’s response was motivated by good intentions. The bad news is that her child found out she doesn’t know anything about acronyms.

No laughing matter

Another case of parents misreading emojis, huh? Once more, they have utilized this laughing expression when they wanted a crying one. We would think that nobody would be crying over the death of their dog.

Funny Text Conversations

When something like this occurs, it’s a sad occasion, so this emoji choice is definitely inappropriate. However, we’ll overlook this mother. We can understand why she would have interpreted it to be more serious than it actually is—after all, the emoji is crying.

Online exposure

Social media is fantastic because it can be used for so much more than just staying in touch with people. Selling items you no longer desire is one thing you can do on this site, as one mother did with her closet.

Funny Text Conversations

Just make sure that any images you share aren’t offensive if you’re going to do that. It appears that a mirror in the picture exposed more than she meant to when she published a picture of the wardrobe. Fortunately, someone informed her.

The man in the mirror

Selfies are popular these days, but not all of them are suitable for professional use. We suppose it’s okay to celebrate your self-confidence if you feel good about yourself. Just be advised that those photos could backfire, as they did in this instance.

Funny Text Conversations

For a carpenter to reproduce a mirror, a mother had to show him pictures of it. But the only ones she could locate showed her kid posing in them wearing scanty clothes.

Left behind

A trip to the supermarket is usually a smart idea if you’re bored at home and want to kill time. Joining your mom to browse the aisles for an hour is harmless if she’s going there anyhow.

Funny Text Conversations

Naturally, you’ll want to make sure she doesn’t unintentionally leave you there after she’s done shopping if you do this. This should be obvious, yet it turns out that some parents aren’t the best at monitoring their kids.

Share it on social media

Many of us are aware of current events in the world because of social media. Along with a ton of other things, this platform is great for sharing news with others.

Funny Text Conversations

It’s obvious that this person’s mother wanted to share something she loved from one of the websites to her own page. But it seems that she became somewhat perplexed by how everything operates. It made us laugh, though we’re not sure how you can be so naive.

Would you like some love?

Prior to the invention of emojis, individuals used letters, numbers, and symbols to form visuals in order to express their feelings in text. You would use “:)” to make a smiling face and “<3” to draw a heart. This mother seemed to be accustomed to this mode of communication.

Funny Text Conversations

However, she doesn’t fully understand the meaning of all the pictures. When she messaged her child, it caused some misunderstanding because she mistook the heart for an ice cream. In the end, at least, she recognized her error.

Living with a stranger

Your parents are the only ones in the world who should be aware of your appearance. They should be able to distinguish you distinct from other people because they have seen your face every day for years.

Funny Text Conversations

Regretfully, it appears that this mother is among the few parents who don’t seem to know what their child looks like. She claimed not to recall it when she emailed this photo to her daughter. That’s most likely because the picture was of someone entirely different.

It’s not what you think

Parents typically look to those they trust to fill in the blanks when they are unsure about something. That can be risky, particularly if you ask children about technology-related topics.

Funny Text Conversations

It seems that this woman’s kid tricked her by making her believe that a particular set of symbols was a smiling face. She didn’t realize the reality until she sent the picture to her second child. At least the mother gained fresh knowledge that day.

Let’s get some toast

When parents attempt to demonstrate their love for their children and fail terribly, it is always terrible. This is what transpired when a son said to his father, “Let’s get this bread,” and the father attempted to interpret it in his own way.

Funny Text Conversations

The man first seemed to be unaware of the meme’s existence, thinking that his child had “lost [his] brain in New York.” But the next day, when he said to his kid, “Let’s get some toast,” he seemed to get into the spirit, if naively.

Can you repeat the question?

We completely agree with this person, who appears to be really perplexed by what their mother is asking them. What the woman is attempting to express is unknown to us. All we can infer from this is that they are attempting to pose a query.

Funny Text Conversations

However, what that might be has undoubtedly been mistranslated. Are ducks able to wear jackets? Maggots were saved by muck? Does a husk have a gag reflex? All of these are excellent questions, but this mother didn’t intend to ask them.

Happy Father’s Day

It’s important to regularly honor the individuals who brought you up. If not, you should at least make them feel special during the holidays that are specifically planned for them. After all, these individuals are the whole reason you are here.

Funny Text Conversations

It appears that these parents couldn’t help but reflect on the times they contributed to building a life together, and they are fully aware of it. Although we’re happy that the father “enjoyed the collaboration,” we anticipate that his children are flinching at this reaction.

Ghosted by her child

The way that language evolves with each generation is amazing. New terms are constantly being coined, and they gain popularity over time until dictionaries formally acknowledge them. The phrase “ghosting,” which describes when someone abruptly quits talking to another person, has become very popular in recent years.

Funny Text Conversations

It’s the type of thing you use when discussing dating app users that neglect you. When your mother feels that you are no longer responding to her, she shouldn’t utilize it.

Turn the volume up

People typically use gifs to communicate themselves if they aren’t using acronyms or emojis. You won’t have any trouble understanding these animated pictures, which are very popular. Well, apparently, unless you’re a parent.

Funny Text Conversations

The dad replied that he couldn’t hear Marcia Brady when the individual showed him a gif of her saying, “Sure, Jan.” The father was still unable to comprehend their child’s attempt to explain that gifs aren’t meant to be audible.

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Aria Skylark