Prove That I’m Wrong

In the exam’s “match the beginning and end of a sentence” section, this astute student figured out a method to guarantee he got every response right. The student managed to connect all the lines such that any response may be right, instead of making the connecting lines easy to read. Surprisingly, the teacher cannot properly demonstrate that they did not correctly match the phrase beginnings and ends.The teacher most likely didn’t fall for the student’s cunning ploy, though, despite their best attempts to outsmart the exam question.
Works for Me Every Time

When the response begins with “I have to be honest with you…” you can be sure it will be nice. This earnest student continued by explaining that they weren’t really paying attention in class the previous day and that, on top of that, they didn’t give a damn about science in general. In a somewhat touching admission, the child said they liked the teacher and wanted to ask for their advise! They then go on to tell the teacher that they are having a dilemma over a girl they are crushing on at school. Remarkably, the instructor responded with a humorous response.”Impress her by explaining how atmospheric nitrogen can be used to age artefacts,” the instructor merely replied. It always works for me. “Mr. J.”
Watch Your Sugar Levels

This child, whomever they are, has received excellent instruction from their parents. They are aware that consuming excessive amounts of sugar and sweets might harm your health and cause issues in the future. You must be able to spot the warning indications that you’re on the wrong track if you want to avoid making a mistake. Given that Bob has consumed 29 of his 36 candy bars, the child is aware that diabetes is the only thing that awaits Bob at the end of this journey. At least this student can recognise a bad diet when they see one, even if it isn’t the response the teacher was hoping for on a maths test.
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way

This student encountered some difficult arithmetic problems that they just lacked the confidence to solve. They therefore concluded that a small amount of bribery might assist tip the scales in their favour, and it did. “Please note: If I made any mistakes in this test, perhaps this picture of a giraffe will convince you otherwise,” they said in their letter to the teacher, along with a small, adorable giraffe cartoon greeting.The teacher humorously responded, “Indeed,” and awarded them an extra point, demonstrating that occasionally a small, kind note can persuade a teacher that you are deserving of a better grade.
Not Having Fun

One child in particular seemed to have been pushed to the limit when a straightforward exam question was offered. Since the child’s choice to write “HELL” in response to the question “In a word, describe school” could be interpreted as a less-than-subtle cry for assistance, we are unable to determine if they were being cheeky or simply being honest. To ensure that the person grading his exam wouldn’t overlook it, this child even made sure to write the letter bold and huge.Although everyone is aware that school may be difficult, this child’s cheeky response might have been a bit over the top.
A Spelling Wizz

We believe that this student managed to hack the system. They selected seven terms from the question itself when asked to spell ten words of their choosing that they are proficient in! Additionally, the response is made even more humorous by the last three words they chose to type out because of how arbitrary they are. Who would have guessed that they could spell the word “octopus” in addition to two other numbers?We continue to believe that this youngster deserves praise for correctly spelling each word because, after all, they are still a young child and it takes some concentration to spell words correctly.
A Little Friendly Advice

When this cute child learnt that his teacher wasn’t feeling well, he knew exactly what to say to her. This child believed they would give Mrs. Clark some useful advice rather than wishing her well or telling her to get better soon. They know from experience that the secret to feeling better quickly is to evacuate your bowels. They wrote: “I’m not joking.” It makes me feel horrible every morning.The youngster generously added a small drawing of the teacher remembering what to do if she feels guilty, just in case Mrs. Clark didn’t fully comprehend this touching piece of wisdom!
An Undeniable Truth

Sometimes it’s simple to miss the most obvious exam response. Sometimes the answer is right there in your lap, but you might spend your time worrying about trick questions and hidden meanings. When he ended the statement, “Upon ascending the throne the first thing Queen Elizabeth II did was to… sit down,” this child, at least, thought that. It’s a brilliant answer that most likely didn’t receive the extra credit it merited.One cannot claim that the queen did not take the throne right away after ascending it. This child did nothing more than draw attention to the obvious.
A Fresh Take on Biology

We adore it when tests reveal how vivid a child’s imagination can be. This picture is a great illustration of it since the child’s response to this scientific question is totally unexpected. When asked to sketch a plant cell and list its key components, they drew a dejected flower peering out from a jail cell, making sure to note that it was imprisoned behind iron bars and in a room without windows. Even though the student answered this question completely incorrectly, we nevertheless have to commend him for trying his hardest.
Confidence Is Key

This student either responded with “This” to the question “Write an example of a risk” because they were too lazy to write a lengthy response or they were a genius who knew exactly what they were doing. Whatever it was that made them write it, their risk paid off since they received a huge red checkmark and definitely more exam points.Writing a one-word response to a section of a paper that demands more requires a lot of courage on the part of the student, but as they say, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
The Mind Boggles

They didn’t anticipate that the students would give the quadrilaterals their first names when they were asked to name them for this paper. One student, however, misinterpreted the task and proceeded to give each shape a typical name, such as Bob and Sam, occasionally even misspelling others, such as Harry. Given that they only had shape, colour, and size to choose from, we wonder what criteria this child was employing.Maybe this child came to each name because they sensed an aura coming from each shape. In any case, we will never be able to fully understand that child’s thoughts.
Never Lose Faith

It’s difficult to determine if this child was attempting to use an exam paper to conduct their own form of door-to-door preaching or if they were merely attempting to win over a particularly pious teacher. In any case, it’s amusing that they just scribbled “JESUS” in response to each mathematical question they were asked to complete, along with the heading, “JESUS IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER,” and a large illustration of a cross.They most likely weren’t given a good grade for these exam responses unless the person grading the test was in agreement. However, this child’s steadfast faith is admirable.
Not a Believer

Regretfully for the teacher, the student was not going to fall for pretend play anytime soon. Instead of deducting the missing ghost from the total, this child chose to use science to answer the question, which enquired how many ghosts would remain if one flew away. In doing so, the child also taught the teacher a lesson. “Because ghosts are not real.” was their assured response when asked why they thought there would be no more ghosts. You cannot dispute that.We wonder if the boy received a mark for his critical thinking abilities or if his failure to believe the story cost him a point.
Giraffes Get a Bad Rap

We are unable to resist admiring this child’s pragmatic approach. When presented with a multiple-choice question, this student eliminated all four possibilities because they felt none of the possible solutions were accurate enough. Rather, the three-part illustration led them to the conclusion that “Giraffes are heartless creatures.” This pupil obviously couldn’t handle the drawings of them eating from the trees and not sharing the food with their shorter peers.Even if the depiction of the tiny giraffe losing to the higher giraffes is accurate, it is a little gloomy for a children’s quiz.
Put a Ring on It

It is impossible to exaggerate the impact of pop culture on young people. However, having a student respond to an exam question by mentioning a Beyonce song is still a significant step. This youngster humorously responded, “Because God liked it, so he put a ring on it,” when asked why Saturn has rings. The teacher who graded the paper also had a humorous retort, only responding that “Saturn was NOT a single lady.”This proves that Beyonce’s influence is so great that her songs can be used as a means of communication by both teachers and students.