Funny Reviews Of Famous Tourist Attractions Around the World


These People Are Confused That Venice Is Underwater

It may be underwater if you’re hoping for a romantic gondola trip along the well-known Grand Canal! Yes, you read correctly: it appears that the canal that has been featured in innumerable honeymoon photos is underwater. Even though Venice is well-known for its canals, these visitors were nonetheless in disbelief to learn that the whole city’s network of canals were underwater. How does that operate?

Although we’re not sure what this individual was hoping to see, at least they can claim to have seen Venice’s underwater canals!


An American Insists on Renaming Iconic Blue Mosque to Red Mosque

Although the Blue Mosque in Turkey is a well-known tourist attraction, not everyone seems to know why it is called “Blue.” For example, this individual thinks the mosque ought to be known as “The Red Mosque.” Why do you enquire? He sees it as red even though the ceiling and walls are tiled in blue! That’s because the entire floor is covered with red carpet! He may not agree with the hundreds of tourists who visit the mosque every year, but we have to give him credit for ingenuity.

Perhaps he could stick to the “Red Mosque” and see if that gets popular, or perhaps he should go there at night the next time to finally see the blue tint!


Standing at Abbey Road’s Crosswalk Is Risky Business

Are you a fan of The Beatles and intending a trip to London’s Abbey Road? Well, one traveler thinks so anyway; be ready to put your life in danger for that memorable shot. I’m kidding! It appears that the reviewer failed to notice that the intersection is for pedestrians, and vehicles are expected to yield. He was a little bewildered, so perhaps before leaving on his next trip, he should review traffic laws.

Still, we believe that Abbey Road is one of London’s must-see locations. Just keep in mind to check all directions before crossing!

Someone Missed the Memo on the Historical Significance of Praça Do Comercio

You’ve found the perfect interpretation of Portugal’s well-known Praça do Comercio! It seems that not everyone enjoys visiting this well-liked vacation spot. This tourist believes Praça do Comercio is just a piece of concrete, even though it was once the Portuguese monarchy’s palace yard and is full of statues. Perhaps they expected a gigantic Ferris wheel or a magnificent castle inhabited by a dragon.

Not every traveler has an appreciation for architecture and history, but don’t be like this guy. If you think this is awful, wait until we set out on this hilarious quest to find even funnier reviews.


Don’t Visit the Great Pyramid of Giza, It’s Too Pointy

After visiting the brilliant Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, one tourist thought it would be a brilliant idea to climb, even though it was against the law. They naturally were injured and grumbled because the pyramids were too sharp! Were they unaware that the pyramids were enormous stone triangle constructions? To get this climb to materialise, they even got into a fight with their tour guide. What a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

All we can hope is that they took the lesson to heart and will not be scaling any more sharp objects anytime soon. I hope that such a vacation never occurs again.

This Guy Clearly Didn’t Do Any Research Before Visiting the Great Wall of China

It’s incredible that some individuals can take vacations all around the world and never know where they are. Consider the traveler who went to the Great Wall of China without realising they were even there! Were they under the impression that they were simply enjoying a leisurely walk in the countryside? Their astonishment upon discovering they had just traversed one of the world’s most recognisable sites can only be imagined.

Even so, how do these kinds of travellers arrange their travels? Do they simply choose a location and cross their fingers? Their ignorance, that much is certain, makes for some really funny reviews.


Apparently This Tourist Thinks Paris Is the City of Heartbreak

Yes, the Eiffel Tower is the quintessential representation of love. Not for everyone, that is. It appears that one person finds it offensive that this famous Parisian site is connected to romance. They consider it all to be a bunch of croissants! In addition, they’re yelling at all the couples who swarm the Tower to strike up a photo. What became to this individual? Was there an argument atop the Eiffel Tower?

It appears that this tourist’s ideal holiday in their desired location was not realised. We hope the aircraft tickets were at least inexpensive since it was such a waste.

Stonehenge Is Simply a Bunch of Boring Rocks

Standing for more than 5,000 years, Stonehenge is one of the most famous and mysterious prehistoric monuments in the entire globe. After making the long journey to England to see Stonehenge, this person only learnt one thing. They said it ought to be demolished and that it would be a great location for an arcade! We can only hope that this person’s next vacation is better even if we’re not sure if they were kidding.

Folks, don’t be like this tourist. Leave the ancient sites alone and keep the arcade games inside the arcade!


This Guy Was Expecting Rome’s Colosseum to Look Brand New

Rome’s Colosseum is a magnificent example of ancient engineering! Having stood for more than 2,000 years, this monument has withstood earthquakes, fires, and even wars. It makes sense that it is somewhat dilapidated. However, it seems that some people have missed the memo. This traveler thought the Colosseum was brand-new and was incensed by its appearance! Not that the Colosseum is an opulent travel destination.

Perhaps he was not present on the day in class when the fall of the Roman Empire was discussed? Alternatively, perhaps he simply doesn’t get the idea of “antiquity.” In any case, we hope he received his money back for his trip!

American Tourist Mistakes Abbey Road for a Zebra Crossing and Starts Looking for Wildlife

All Beatles fans travel to London to recreate one of the most recognisable record covers ever, and that place is called Abbey Road. However, what occurs when naive visitors choose to stroll down this well-known street? It can be rather disappointing for some people, while for others, it’s their ideal vacation spot. Consider this man, who anticipated seeing some untamed zebras running around. Hey, buddy, this isn’t a safari park in London!

Unfortunately, he was unaware that “zebra crossing” is simply a fancy term for “zebra crossing” in British English. While he was expecting a trip to see animals, he ended himself on a city vacation.

The Louvre Museum Was Compared to a Crowded Mall

Even though the Louvre Museum in Paris is home to some of the most valuable artwork in existence, not everyone is enthralled. Indeed, some travellers are referring to it as a “mall”! One unhappy visitor compared the museum to a maze and claimed they had trouble figuring it out. The Louvre and Paris are the stuff of dreams for most people, but this traveler looks like they could be rearranging their travel plans to return home as soon as possible.

However, the Louvre can be a wealth of beauty and culture if you can withstand the crowds. Thus, don’t allow this one traveler derail your plans to board an aircraft and visit France!

The Big Ben Is Literally Just a Big Clock

The clock known as Big Ben is a towering representation of time itself. However, did you realise that Big Ben wasn’t its original name? At first, it was only the Westminster Palace’s clock tower. However, Big Ben came to be recognised after a larger bell inside the tower was installed in 1859. And who doesn’t adore a big bell, let’s face it? This traveler is simply unaware of the importance.

Therefore, the next time someone comments, “It’s just a clock,” tell them that this is a famous site that travellers must see before their time in England comes to an end!

They Were Upset the Medusa Painting at the Uffizi Gallery Didn’t Turn Him Into Stone

Do you have any plans to visit Florence, Italy, and are you an art enthusiast? It’s true that you really must see the Uffizi Gallery. Artworks from the Italian Renaissance are among them, such as the well-known oil painting Medusa. However, when a tourist discovered the artwork of Medusa wasn’t realistic, he became angry and perplexed. He believed that the painting would transform them into stone, according to the stories seen in Greek mythology.

I’m sorry to disappoint you, but things don’t work like that! Not the genuine Medusa, but the artist’s self-portrait. Avoid being this tourist and plan your trip by doing some study beforehand.

How on Earth Could These Stonehenge Rocks Be so Famous

It’s common knowledge that there are two kinds of people in this world: those that visit Stonehenge because they find it fascinating, and those who don’t grasp it at all. One traveler, meanwhile, believes that Stonehenge is merely a collection of “plain” “rocks.” Please excuse us for finding anything that has stood for more than 5,000 years impressive! It is possible that the reviewer had higher expectations, such as a larger neon sign with the words “WELCOME TO STONEHENGE.”

Well, we’re not here to pass judgement. I mean, to each his own? Perhaps on a future visit to Stonehenge, this traveler will realise, “Wow, these rocks are actually pretty cool!”

How Dare The Colosseum Not Have a Roof

We have a serious critic on our hands! With regard to their assessment of the Rome Colosseum, this traveler truly got on our nerves. It appears to be falling short of their standards because it is dilapidated and lacks a roof. But it is older than two millennia! The fact that it’s standing at all is amazing. The insolence of someone who believes they are smarter than the ancient Romans makes us chuckle.

Perhaps this traveler ought to have studied history before deciding to take a trip to a well-known tourist attraction. See what other bizarre complaints people have made about travel by reading on.

Arthur’s Seat in Scotland Doesn’t Actually Have Seats

Arthur’s Seat, the notorious chair spot! Yes, you could see endless rows of seats stretching as far as the eye can see when you hear the term. Unfortunately, though, it’s merely a stunning collection of hills in Scotland with a historic volcano that’s surrounded by verdant foliage and stunning scenery. Though the moniker seems deceptive, perhaps this person ought to have done his homework before taking a plane for a multi-day trip here.

This guy will be hunting for a chair for a very long time. He’ll simply have to make do with the breathtaking highland scenery of Scotland till then.

The Helsinki Cathedral Is Full of Ice Cream Robbers

A group of pals visiting Finland’s Helsinki Cathedral appear to have welcomed an unexpected visitor! This traveler claimed that some bothersome birds interrupted their ice cream celebration and began taking their sweets from out of their hands! We’re not sure what kind of ice cream these friends were consuming, but judging by the way the birds pursued it, it had to be rather good.

Who knows, maybe now this visitor and their buddies will be referred to as Helsinki’s ice cream bandits! It’s a trip you won’t soon forget, at least.

This Guy Thought the Leaning Tower of Pisa Was Made of Real Pizza

Envision taking a plane to Italy and being excited to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, only to discover that it isn’t genuinely constructed of pizza! How disappointing! This traveler would have been upset if they hadn’t received a tasty ice cream treat, therefore it’s a good thing they didn’t search for the Colosseum. Who are we to judge, though? Maybe they’ll discover a bridge built of real rainbows or a pyramid composed of other pyramids the next time.

Who would have thought that the tower is actually composed of marble? Perhaps booking through a travel agent would have allowed them to provide a more thorough explanation of the place.

The Edinburgh Castle Is Full of Mannequins

Edinburgh Castle: an overpriced tourist trap, a cultural treasure, or a mediaeval fortress? That appears to be the case, according to one passenger. Although history aficionados and lovers of architecture adore Edinburgh Castle, this particular guest wasn’t thrilled. They grumbled about the excessive amount of mannequins strewn all over the castle and thought it was overpriced. But did this visitor miss out on Edinburgh Castle’s breathtaking views and rich history?

Perhaps the mannequins simply distracted them too much. Or perhaps they had in mind something a little more thrilling than a stronghold crammed with antiquated items. Who knows?

So the Golden Gate Bridge Is Red Not Gold

This traveler expected everything to be perfect when they walked across San Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Bridge! Let’s all just take a moment to recognise how amazing it is that this person visited the bridge without even doing any research online. Hey, we’re not here to pass judgement, but maybe we should. We’re not expecting the Eiffel Tower to be constructed entirely of tinfoil, after all. These traveler reviews simply get better and better, so keep reading, people.

Perhaps this individual was unaware of the bridge’s past. In any case, avoid being this person. Just do some homework before going to the most well-liked tourist destinations worldwide!

This Lady Thinks the Hagia Sophia Is Not That Big of a Deal

Have you ever gone to a historical place and concluded, “Well, it’s not really that big of a deal”? When this woman visited the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Turkey, she most definitely did. She even commented that the centuries-old monument was “falling apart,” indicating that she was not at all impressed. It’s unclear what she anticipated from a structure that is more than a millennium old! Perhaps she was looking for a new coat of paint or some high-tech enhancements.

Where, after all, did she believe she was also organising a vacation? You don’t get to see a piece of history like the Hagia Sophia every day!

The Sydney Opera House Should Change Their Whole Building

This visitor is unimpressed with the design of the Sydney Opera House. They complained about the architecture’s excessive pointiness after travelling all the way to Australia. A large, fluffy building that resembled a cloud—what were they expecting? That they are not in charge of redesigning the Eiffel Tower is a good thing; otherwise, they would propose that it be made round rather than pointed. It’s unclear what the traveler was expecting, but their review is undoubtedly among the funniest things we’ve ever seen.

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Aria Skylark


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