Friday is here tomorrow, which means the weekend is almost here. Finally, my wife and I will drop the kids off at grandma’s so that on Saturday morning we can get up, have a cup of coffee, and do what we’ve been dying to do for the whole week. Yes, we intend to tidy the balcony at last.
As a married couple, your weekends really don’t always look the same as they did when you were single, carefree, and energetic. It’s not that they’ve become worse; rather, they’ve just… shifted. And this incredibly funny and sarcastic viral post on X from many married couples is all about those kinds of weekends.



The fact that I’m writing this post now is actually rather symbolic, as our weekends will be slightly different starting tonight and continuing through February. Ultimately, players like Justin Jefferson, Lamar Jackson, Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes, and others won’t watch themselves. Still, Saturdays and Sundays after marriage seem a little different, don’t they, even if you don’t watch NFL games every weekend?



Ultimately, being married still entails sharing some same goals, interests, and issues. Together, you clean the house, do sports (actually, one of you plays, and the other simply offers moral support), lose weight, and then get the weight back after removing the kids from the grandparents. Ultimately, grandmother doesn’t give a damn about who she stuffs full—the grandchildren or their parents.
That’s life, and while your perception of it might have changed a few decades (or even years) ago, it also has an underlying beauty. It’s also easier to go through life together and share jokes if you and your spouse share a similar sense of humour than it is to just walk.



Experts claim that years of cohabitation, particularly if it is done in perfect harmony, actually do seem to resemble one another in some ways between marriages. Bored Panda reached out to psychologist and certified NLP specialist Irina Matveeva for her opinion. “Even if you were initially two pure contradictions, then over time you still find a lot in common in each other,” she explains.
This is a sort of mental ‘adjustment’ to the individual seated next to you; you both start to’mirror’ the distinctive characteristics of one another, growing even more in common with one another. even when you fight. Ultimately, a marital existence cannot exist without conflicts.”
Indeed, as in nearly any circumstance, having a sense of humour is highly beneficial. It’s a positive sign if you find humour in even the most trying times of your marriage. Laughter, after all, does, so they claim, prolong life. However, it appears that science hasn’t provided conclusive evidence for this,” Irina says.



Either way, it’s a good thing that tonight’s NFL kickoff game is happening. Despite my wife’s dislike of the sport, at least I will be able to quietly take pleasure in football after a six-month hiatus. And prepare for something far more significant: jointly cleaning the balcony. You can also go all the way to the bottom of the list in the interim, and if you happen to see yourself in any of the tweets posted, our selection has undoubtedly succeeded in reaching its objective!











