Humans originated on Mars. Venus is the home of women. The conflict between the sexes has been extensively documented. A German neurologist noted in a book published more than a century ago that women’s brains are smaller than men’s. After that, Paul Julius Möbius confidently concluded that this rendered women “physiologically weak-minded.” Indeed. It was said by him.
Fortunately, research has advanced along with the times. Numerous more recent research have discovered that there isn’t much of a difference in average intellect between males and girls. However, some studies have shown that there are certain distinctions between men and women in terms of their sense of humour. We have the ideal spot for you to satisfy your need for humour if you think of yourself as having a man’s sense of humour. With over 626 thousand followers, the relatable posts for men Instagram page is quite popular. View our personal favourites by scrolling down, and remember to upvote your own.



Males are more likely to be the class clown. This is the conclusion of research headed by a man named Robert Provine. Over the course of a year, he saw 1,200 instances. Provine and his colleagues were interested in learning how gender affected jokes, laughing, and humour. According to Psychology Today, “females do the most laughing while males do the most laugh-getting” in interactions involving men and women. “Females laughed 126 percent more than their male counterparts.”



Additionally, they discovered that males laugh around half as often with other men as they do with their girlfriends. Also, women didn’t really give a damn about who they were dating. Still, they laughed harder. However, women would rather laugh than joke around.



Studies have indicated that women tend to favour guys who have a strong sense of humour. It seems they think funny men are smart. According to Psych Central, “Evolutionary psychologists have theorised that humour is a sign of intelligence and strong genes and that women are drawn to funny men because of the potential genetic benefit that could be bestowed upon potential offspring.” Women are the more selective sex because of the burdens associated with pregnancy.



Author of “The Humour Habit,” Paul Osincup is a humour strategist. He adds humour to workplace cultures to help them become more positive and productive. Ask Men was advised by Osincup that humour makes a date feel comfortable and attracts them in. Furthermore, oxytocin—the hormone that promotes human connection—is increased by laughing, according to Osincup.



This assertion is confirmed by further specialists. similar to EPIC Counselling Solutions’ licensed professional counsellor Mark Verber. “Laughter helps to lighten the mood, whether it’s the jitters of a first date or talking about retirement plans 40 years later,” he said to Ask Men. He went on to remark that most of his clients tell him that having a fantastic sense of humour is what first drew them together.



Men and women have different tastes in humour. The same holds true when they’re making jokes. Women enjoy sharing humorous anecdotes and taking a more narrative approach. Guys are known for their love of one-liners and slapstick humour. Consider “dad jokes.” Willibald Ruch, a psychology professor at the University of Zurich, has spent a great deal of time researching the topic. He examined studies on humour and gender disparities conducted between 1977 and 2018. And this is what he discovered.



Although they don’t like jokes in the same manner, men and women may both understand them. When reporting on Ruch’s findings, Horizons Mag stated that “differences primarily exist in the production of aggressive humour, such as cynicism and sarcasm, and to a lesser extent in the context-free creation of jokes and punchlines.”



Men may benefit from humour, but women may find the opposite to be true. Studies have shown that women who joked around during business presentations were viewed as less capable than those who addressed their colleagues in a serious manner.