Have you ever been on social media and come across an odd question that makes you laugh aloud? Yes, we do. The questions people are asking these days are hilarious, and the internet has a way of making difficult questions go viral. We’re talking side-tracked shower thoughts, real bewilderment over commonplace issues, and enough “wait, what?” moments to fill a cringe compilation. As we explore 35 epic fails that demonstrate how hilarious the internet can be, get ready for an entertaining ride (and perhaps a little secondhand embarrassment).
My husband told me a woman kissed him on the lips. Should I forgive him?

I’m 63 years old and so lonely. Does it matter to anyone?

If my landlord dies and doesn’t leave the house to anyone, what can I do to get the house?

I’m running out of ideas. What stupid questions can I ask?

Which Book?

I’m not sure why students waste their time asking such terrible questions, and I feel sorry for those who take the time to thoughtfully respond to them. These kinds of questions should be reported rather than answered.
Its too early?

Stupidest thing ever

It’s one of the dumber things I’ve ever replied to, but I’m not positive if it’s the dumbest thing ever—there have been some dumb ones.
Why does grape flavored stuff taste like purple and not grapes?

If telescopes use mirrors, how do we know there are no space vampires?

“Why do they call them fingers? I’ve never seen them fing.”

What is the best question to ask when someone says “There are no stupid questions”?

Do half holes exist? How do you cut a hole in a half?

What would happen if Pinocchio said “My nose will grow now”

Why are most cartoon suns drawn wearing sunglasses?

People always say, “There are no stupid questions”, but what is the stupidest question you’ve heard/been asked?