Some claim that breaking the rules was intended. But these folks say they were supposed to be followed and used for your own gain. And it appears that adopting their strategy is far more enjoyable than breaking the rules has ever been. Here’s some (laughable) motivation for the next time you need to get ahead of the system, from youngsters who outwitted their parents to adults who outsmarted the neighbourhood rules.
Shorts Were Banned so They Wore Skorts

After learning that other colleagues would no longer permit them to wear shorts, these UPS workers made the decision to dress differently. They chose to wear skorts, which are about as comfy and as near to the prohibited article of apparel as possible, in place of shorts. They chose to flaunt their brand-new attire in this photo since they were so happy with their move. Well done; it’s really deserved.
These guys went for the next best thing after shorts because they wanted to play the system and have a little fun. Their manager had to be laughing out at how smart they were.
The Russian Government Doesn’t Allow Protests

These demonstrators used an easel and painting to make their thoughts heard because it is illegal to protest in Russia and can result in harsh penalties. This type of protest was so brilliant since any authority passing by would undoubtedly assume this bunch was just doing art. Furthermore, there were technically no regulations broken, even though the cops realised what was going on very soon. These citizens should not have to stoop to this, but they have discovered a brilliant workaround!
When the HOA Says No Pride Flags but Nothing About Lights

Despite the opposition of the Home Owners Association, these homeowners were adamant about decorating their home for pride. Since it was against the law to fly flags, they figured up a way to break the law and make their house stand out from the others. Rather of using flags to encircle their house, they were able to install rainbow lights, which have a far superior appearance.
The NYC Subway Said Only Dogs That Fit in Bags Could Ride

Dogs are not allowed to ride the tube in New York City unless they can fit inside a bag, as everyone in the city is aware. However, the man had a large dog that would not fit inside a typical-sized bag. By locating the largest one and placing his dog inside, he was able to circumvent the regulations and the dog appeared to be relieved to be able to ride the tube once more.
When Her Tinder Profile Says, “only Guys Six Feet and Up”

We’re hoping that this joke won him a date because it was undoubtedly the most witty rejoinder we could come up with. This guy texted this woman this image after she told him that she only dates guys who are six feet tall or taller. He truly took her words to heart, making himself appear to have six extra legs and feet in the hopes of getting a night out.
She’ll Watch the Game Even if Women Aren’t Allowed in

This Iranian sports venue is off-limits to women because of extremely stringent restrictions and regulations. However, one woman found a clever way to enjoy the game on par with the males in the stadium. She had to peer through the holes, but it seemed like she was enjoying herself despite being able to see practically everything from behind the fence.
HOA: “hide Your Trash Cans or Pay a Fine” the Residents: “say No More”

The residents of this residence were informed that leaving their trash cans out in the open would result in a hefty fine. Thus, they made a forceful statement and came up with the most brilliant answer to the issue. Since their trashcans are now legally invisible from the front of the home, whatever they did was quite effective. They built the smallest fence, which barely conceals them. Not only that, though.
He Wrote an Entire Book While at Work Without a Notebook

The author was adamant about finishing his book while working as a cashier, and he was unaffected by the regulations. Since he couldn’t use paper or notebooks, he made the creative decision to cut waste. He took out all the receipts he could find and, wherever he could, jotted down passages from his book. Before he could make the scenario into a reality, he collected enough receipts to almost write a novel.
No Sticks Allowed Inside

As you can see, this astute dog is a wonderful guy who complied with his owners’ wishes to keep his stick. Though the stick isn’t actually inside, he managed to combine the best aspects of both worlds. With no messes to clean up after, we can assume that mom and dad were extremely proud of their dog based on this photo.
He Advertised a “solar-Powered Clothes Dryer”

When local advertisements for solar-powered clothes dryers appeared, people were ecstatic, but the excitement was short-lived. As soon as they opened the gift they received in the mail, they became disappointed to discover something unexpected. All they received was a clothing line, which, when you think about it, isn’t exactly a swindle. We’re fairly certain the salesman would concur with that assertion as well.
Grandma Said, “no Cameras Allowed, No Problem”

This art gallery forbade photography in order to preserve the calibre of the artworks on display. However, this woman chose to copy one of the paintings because she truly wanted to be able to recall the ones she was looking at and loved. She is obviously a very gifted artist. And it appears that she turned into yet another work of art that fortunate viewers can appreciate. Really, the museum ought to think about employing her.
That Time the Belarus President Banned Pro-Democratic Flags

Belarus made the decision to outlaw democratic flags, with dire repercussions for anyone found flying one. People in the nation nevertheless managed to express their political opinions without formally breaching any laws in order to avoid that. Laundry needs to be hung and dried anyhow, so why not hang them in democratic colours to promote unity? If you truly think about it, the notion is brilliant.
The Syllabus Only Mentioned a Font Style and Size Requirement

Like other teachers, the one in this photo had some very strict guidelines on how his pupils were to write their papers. Since he didn’t inform them that they needed to utilise paper instead of anything else, this student chose to make a small joke. Taking advantage of this, he printed the entire thing onto a t-shirt and turned it in as his final class assignment.
This Still Counts as Playing Outside, Right Mom?

The picture you are looking at depicts outdoor play in its contemporary form. With the advent of the digital age, it’s likely very different from the version you experienced growing up. These days’ kids are so much less active, which is presumably why the boy’s parents wanted him to spend some time playing outside. He opted to play a game outside in the sun by just stretching his console out the window.
How to Get a Kid to Drink Medicine

This life tip may be just what you’ve been looking for, as we imagine parents everywhere could find it rather useful. She was sucking down some medicine to make her son feel better, but she misled him into believing that whatever he was drinking was a tasty can of soda. It was a wonderful strategy, mostly since most children resisted taking their medications.
He Saw Humans Were Feeding the Swimming Ducks

This hungry child decided it would be a good idea to become a duck because he was tired of seeing his parents feed the ducks. He made his way into the water to make sure he wouldn’t be left out of whatever was happening in the lake, even though climbing into it would entail getting wet. All that really happened, though, was that the ducks fled too afraid to stay still.
Happy 27th Birthday!

His parents unintentionally celebrated his ninety-third birthday because they were unable to locate the appropriate amount of candles. Not really, but given that’s what’s written on the cake, it sure looks like that. They utilised the only candles they could find, which were nine and three. However, for those of us who are familiar with our multiplication tables, that number seems quite different.
Satellite Dishes Are Banned but No One Notices Mr. Camouflage

Tenants are not permitted to install satellite dishes that would be visible from the outside of this residential block. However, nobody desires a satellite dish indoors. In defiance of the law, these folks painted the dish to match the brick wall. The benefit of this is that, unless one was quite close to it, nobody would really know that a satellite dish was even there.
Who Said the School’s “70’s Day” Doesn’t Mean the 1770’s?

I think we can all agree that dress-up days and holidays, which seem to occur every month, are the nicest parts of being in grade school. While some children may not care to dress up for the occasion, others may take it as an opportunity to make jokes and enjoy themselves. We assume that’s what the child wearing the wig believed when he showed up at school dressed as a colonial person from the 1770s for a ’70s celebration.
When Your Teacher Gives You Lemons, You Make Lemonade

When this student found out they could bring notes to their exam, they were pleased. They were only told that the paper could have one side. That was the sole restriction. They discovered this extremely long and technically single-sided piece to maximise the use of their notes. We’re hoping the teacher gave them only great feedback regarding this life hack and that their test went well.
“Mom Let Me Put Any Flag Except the Pride Flag, so 241 Flags Later… “

The individual occupying this room is still living with their parents, and according to their mother, any flag hanging on the wall is acceptable as long as it doesn’t promote LGBT pride. By carefully circumnavigating that rule, they were able to hang hundreds of different flags in a rainbow pattern. The entire sum exceeded two hundred and appears to be both extraordinary and one-of-a-kind.
“He Hates Sitting on My Lap but I Found a Way to Beat the System”

The cat in this photo may appear to be contentedly perched on his father, but getting there required some careful consideration and a few practical tips. Cats adore boxes, of course, and one man took advantage of it. He only needed to place one on his lap to entice the fuzzy fellow into the box, and before he knew it, they were cuddling and enjoying some quality time.
Oh, That’s Not What the Sign Meant by Green?

Any city can provide challenges when it comes to parking, but one motorist chose to slightly defy the regulations in order to make it work. They were not in violation of any regulations when they pulled into the space designated for “green vehicles only,” as indicated by the sign. They’re technically correct since, as you can see, the automobile is as green as they come.
Czech Ice Hockey Fans Support Ukraine Despite Flag Ban

The Ukrainian flag that the spectators at this ice hockey match in the Czech Republic were waving during the championships had to be taken down. Thus, they offered support in a unique yet fairly comparable way. They penned them with literal words rather than the usual Ukrainian colours, yet they were still able to convey their meaning effectively. These fans found it simple to voice their opposition to the invasion while staying out of danger.
Cat Finds Way to Get Attention Without Breaking No-Table Rule

Since they are not permitted to stand on the table, the cat that appears to be clinging to this chair for dear life is essentially doing just that. They usually seem to leap atop the chair when everyone else is eating, thus it appears that their only objective is attention. It’s a very cunning begging strategy that might work or might not.