Four Parrots, Please

Black Friday does provide a much-needed financial break in a world where prices are rising for everything. Yes, we adore a good deal! However, occasionally it’s a bit too simple to get caught up in the Black Friday frenzy and wind up purchasing items we don’t need or need simply because the deal is too fantastic to pass up. Actually, it’s well summed up in this amusing meme.
Even though the majority of us don’t require or desire a parrot, how can anyone refuse an 80% discount? Purchasing four makes perfect sense because the offer is simply too good to refuse.
Do You Really Need That, Hmm?

There has never been a more genuine meme, mostly because people are aware that they shouldn’t overdo Black Friday. Does that, however, prevent them from outbidding rivals for the final Xbox? No, it doesn’t. The allure of the bargain is simply too great, even though everyone is aware that Black Friday is more of a scam than anything else. even in situations where you don’t have a lot of money.
These trousers pockets describe how most people feel on the inside after Black Friday shopping, even though they are undoubtedly criticising the person who chose to spend their last money on a foolish purchase.
Bills Don’t Exist on Black Friday

Most individuals believe they should purchase something during the sale to feel like they’re a part of something because of the intense excitement around Black Friday, but this isn’t always the best course of action. Everyone has mouths to feed and bills to pay, so it’s not the best idea to spend your last $50 on a brand-new TV when your electricity is about to be turned off.
Even if the white cat on the right is in the back of their mind when they pull out their credit card, a lot of people still do this every year.
A Black Friday for the Essentials, Please

He is a man of ideas, and good ones at that, therefore we would like to meet him and shake his hand. After all, a Black Friday sale with steep discounts on homes, heating costs, and therapists would give people what they truly need instead of just what they desire. Furthermore, even though we fully support this motion, we can’t help but believe that it should only be used for online purchases.
Imagine the mayhem if Dr. Beckman decided to charge $10 for sessions or if the price of a three-bedroom condo with an ocean view was cut in half! Riots would break out.
Where’s the Discounted Avocados, Huh?

The majority of us spend more money on groceries than on VR headsets, game consoles, and TVs, let’s face it. When you go grocery shopping every week, all those receipts soon mount up, even though these technological devices are more costly initially. When will Walmart and Whole Foods begin offering their cereal, potato chips, and avocados at a discount? Discounted food is what people truly want, and it’s time to offer it to them. And even while we firmly support Lulu in this case, we do have one worry. What would people do if Diet Coke was only 10 cents a can, if they would be willing to fight over a PS4?
Get the Popcorn Out

We can’t help but feel that these large retailers need to give back to the public because they likely make more money on Black Friday than they do throughout the year. Yes, they offer steep product discounts on a single day of the year, but is it sufficient? We don’t believe so. We believe that they should open an observation station at Walmart with a bar and popcorn, just like this person suggests.
It would be fantastic for onlookers to be able to observe the mayhem from the comfort of their desk! Since it will win awards, they might as well pull out the TV cameras as well.
Keep Calm, Moms

It should go without saying that those who are ruthless, cunning, and self-centred are the ones that win big on Black Friday. Even if these qualities are necessary to stock up on cheap bathroom suites and cookers, it’s always the unexpected ones that go above and above on Black Friday. Consider the mother of this man.
We wager that this man’s mother is a modest, well-mannered elderly woman who wouldn’t harm a fly. However, when Black Friday arrives, she unleashes her inner threat.
While Everyone Shops, Some People Snooze

People in our world can be divided into two categories: those who adore Black Friday and those who could not give a damn. To be honest, we don’t blame the creator of this meme; we’re going to presume that they fall into the latter category. Sometimes the bargains aren’t worth it, even if we appreciate finding a good deal just as much as the next person (who likes a good deal). They are perhaps luckier than those who are able to purchase a new refrigerator for $50, especially in light of the annual Black Friday mayhem. They get to wake up without bruises and with a clean face, after all.
Now That’s a Bear-Y Clever Distraction

You usually need to keep an eye out for the people that set up camp and get their tents before Black Friday. They will do whatever it takes to stock up in the sales, as seen by their desire to sleep outside. They most likely spend their evenings practicing their elbow strikes in their tent. They’re not alone, though, as this meme demonstrates!
We’re obsessed with Black Fridays, but we’re not sure if this bear was a Black Friday shopper or an anti-Black Friday protestor attempting to divert attention from those in their tents.
The Math Isn’t Mathing

Apparently, Black Friday is the best time of year to get the best bargains and discounts, but have we all been duped into thinking we’re safe? What we’ve all been secretly worried about—that we’re not receiving the bargain we yearn for—seems to be clarified by this meme. This is due to the fact that retailers frequently manipulate prices in the run-up to Black Friday, giving the impression that the Black Friday deal is the greatest available. Therefore, even while it appears that we are receiving these things for half or even a quarter of the price, in actuality, we are hardly receiving any kind of reduction. All that matters, though, is that it appears to make everyone happy.
Watch Out for the Zombies

Those who have seen Dawn of the Dead and worked a Black Friday shift will understand exactly what we mean by this frighteningly true joke. Since everyone wants to be the first to enter and claim the prize, buyers appear to lose all sense of self when they wait for the doors to open. On Black Friday, fortunately, it’s not a human body.Bravo to those who must work on Black Friday; that type of labour requires a lot of forbearance. which, incidentally, is useful in the event that actual zombies are present.
Forever Thankful for Consumerism

Some folks, you know, are aware of the irony of Black Friday. The fact that those same people who are shoving their way to the cashier to purchase an iPhone at 75% off are the same people who were expressing their gratitude and appreciation for their family and loved ones less than 24 hours prior to them starting to throw their weight around is hilarious, even though the world can’t resist a good deal.However, we suppose that simultaneously being grateful for two things is conceivable. There is reason to be thankful for consumerism, but you may also be thankful for your friends and family!
The Highest Form of Self-Care

We understand that Black Friday is the pinnacle of self-care for some people. Making meals for Thanksgiving potlucks and purchasing Christmas gifts might take up so much of your time and finances over the winter that you frequently neglect to enjoy life on your own. They have the opportunity to purchase the item they have always desired on Black Friday, so why not? Then, not having enough money to purchase anything for anybody else is one possible “why not.” However, it is a problem that you will have to think about in the future.
It’s Essentially the Real-Life Hunger Games

You can’t just show up to a Black Friday deal and hope for the best, let’s face it. The retailers (and other shoppers) don’t want the odds to be in your favour, therefore Black Friday shopping is like the Hunger Games in real life, as this meme implies. Therefore, you must prepare for this event as if it were a marathon or an undercover sting operation if you want to win.
Black Friday is all about outsmarting the competition, from researching the things you want to purchase to visiting the stores a few days prior to learn the layouts. Good luck, then.
Listen Up, Amateur Videographers

We firmly believe that many of the people who clamber into stores on Black Friday do so solely to observe the mayhem for themselves. They probably don’t even need or desire anything. Rather, they merely wish to act as amateur filmmakers for the day while standing amid the wrestling and fighting. They need to improve their talents, but we don’t blame them.
A lot of folks miss a lot of the action when they record Black Friday craziness in portrait mode. The true action is in the horizontal fight footage, as real people are aware.
Get the Fluff Out of the Way

Even though we’re very certain that this is Photoshop, it’s still funny, isn’t it? We must admit that we’re glad dogs aren’t permitted in stores on Black Friday, even though this meme captures the craziness of the day perfectly. This is not just for their personal safety, but also for the safety of the nearby shoppers. After all, a lot of TV boxes have tennis balls on them, and dogs are unable to behave appropriately around them.
This visual depiction is most likely correct, but who can really blame this dog? When a 70% discount is right in front of you, it’s an irresistible deal.
Time to Click Unsubscribe

It should go without saying that email marketers are quite active in the lead-up to Black Friday. Additionally, it would be fantastic if these men would just stop when they are performing their duties. It may be quite hard to deal with the volume of emails we receive every day, even without include communications about Black Friday sales. But this woman makes a valid point.Is that small button at the top of your inbox familiar to you? The one with “Unsubscribe” on it? Yes, in the coming weeks, that tiny boy will become your best friend.
Happy Black Friday!

Is your personality more outgoing or introverted? Even if you’ve never made soup or had a smoothie, if you’re an extrovert, you probably don’t mind pushing shoppers aside on Black Friday to purchase the last blender available. However, if you’re an introvert, you’ll most likely do exactly what this woman enjoys—remain inside her home and stay away from people. Do these folks not know what internet purchasing is? When you could place your order online and stay in bed, why subject yourself to the (actual) agony of in-store shopping?
Sure Am, but Still Want an XBOX

Everything that’s wrong with Black Friday is summed neatly in this meme. Yes, we get that retailers want to incite panic and encourage consumers to make purchases in the days leading up to Christmas, but couldn’t they have waited a few days? Our appreciation for the small things in life and the Turkey holiday seem to be overshadowed by the decision to cut the costs of electronics and other goods the day after Thanksgiving. Because of this, using social media at this time is hilarious. People are congratulating their loved ones and feeling fortunate to have a roof over their heads one moment, and then they are putting ten blenders in their shopping carts the next.
Let’s Go Camping

The fact that people practically camp outside of Walmart or Target hours before the store opens is one of the craziest aspects of Black Friday. Yes, in the hopes of getting deals before anybody else, people leave their Thanksgiving meal early to sit outside in the bitter weather. Additionally, most people didn’t have tents prior to this, even if the principle behind this seems to favour them.According to this joke, they wind up spending $300 on a tent in order to do their Black Friday shopping, and the $50 they save is essentially useless. What do we know, though?