25 Times Idiots Did Something That Wasn’t Against The Rules So A Rule Was Created


Human foolishness is one thing that the world will always have a plenty of. You can find a tonne of evidence online if you just spend a few minutes searching, but this most recent Reddit discussion may be the finest one yet.

Here, individuals came together to discuss the most absurd laws they had come across. These laws were all put in place as a result of an extremely foolish choice made by someone else. Enjoy these amusing precedents by scrolling down, and don’t forget to upvote your favorites—they deserve recognition for making us all feel a little bit wiser!




removing your shoes to pass through airport security because a man was found to have a little bomb hidden in his sneaker. I’m glad he didn’t have a bomb hidden up his ass.



Though the responses in this Reddit thread are quite funny, they may make you question the existence of common sense. Bored Panda got in touch with u/seequelbeepwell, the person who created the post, to find out what motivated them to pose the query.

They informed us, “I noticed how much trust they place in people to do the right thing,” when viewing YouTube videos about Japanese culture. “It made me wonder if Western culture is any different from other cultures because most of the rules seem to be created by a small number of bad apples.”

They were taken aback that the answers fell short of what they had anticipated. “I expected Florida to rank higher, but Alabama appeared to take the lead,” they remarked. “Many people were complaining about rules related to their jobs.” The woman who spilt McDonald’s coffee on herself has support on Reddit.



One numbskull decided to take his lunch break every day at 4 p.m. so he could depart early from the workplace where I worked. The manager told you to cease. Thus, he stopped having lunch from Monday through Thursday. He went home at noon on Friday, having taken all five of his lunch breaks at once. The manager then designated a time for everyone to have lunch. You did not receive a lunch break if you did not take it within the allotted hour. It was the most Mickey Mouse middle school rule I’ve ever encountered. Suddenly, that rule vanished a few months later when numb nut was let go.

ETA: Our section dealt directly with customers. Coverage for walk-ins, appointments, phone calls, etc. has to be made sure of. The manager probably wouldn’t have cared when we went to lunch if this hadn’t been the case.




Workers are required to dress appropriately underneath. I had far too many conversations as the manager at the time that contributed to the creation of this policy. There was no underwear visible through the see-through pants, bras visible or conspicuously absent, underwear visible through clothing, and threads masquerading as underwear visible above the pants. I think I’ve seen everything. I advised a lot of workers on appropriate business wear.

In terms of office anecdotes, the thread did not let down either. Bored Panda also had a conversation with u/ribbediguana, a Redditor who related an amusing story about how her employer outlawed post-its after a crucial note was misplaced. She went into further detail with us about what happened.

She clarified, “It was a very small recruitment company.” To be honest, the letter writer could have completed the assignment by herself. Just before lunch on a Friday, a client called to request a temporary employee for Monday. The person who was meant to take care of it—the one who got the post-it note—was away having lunch with a client. Back then, you weren’t working hard enough if you weren’t spending a Friday night out with clients!

She went on, “The individual who picked up the message placed the post-it note on her colleague’s desk.” However, it went unnoticed, the position remained unfilled, and the business suffered as a result. On Monday, the owner of the company was enraged, and our little office with only five employees was full of passive aggression.

The ramifications were severe. “The individual who misread the message received a month-long demotion and forfeited their commission. Not long after, the coworker who had missed the memo quit. It was a huge red signal regarding the business owner’s emotional state, and I didn’t last either.




I was hunting for a Lego table in a toy store decades ago. I discovered a flat Lego table box with a fully formed depiction of two children seated at the table. I s**t you not, children not included, the label said.




The company’s response to the post-it note prohibition was to utilize a carbon copy phone message pad and continue to leave the note on the desk, but to send an email as soon as possible. said u/ribbediguana. “However, the regulation regarding getting tipsy with clients on a Friday remained unchanged!”

“And that was only the beginning,” she continued. “We also needed to ‘look more expensive,'” the business owner added. This advice came from someone who had stockings around her ankles and food all over her shirt.

This modification was inspired by an event where a recruiter showed up for a client visit wearing flat shoes. u/ribbediguana said, “We were told we had to wear stilettos, suits, cufflinks, and jackets—even in 104-degree weather.”

Ultimately, it appeared that the supervisor was the shared issue. In summary, u/ribbediguana said, “She was a mess.” “I’ve worked for three different recruitment agencies, and the woman in charge at each of them were the same kind. To put it mildly, I no longer like recruitment!


My former alcoholism led to the “no drinking allowed at work” policy at my current place of employment.

Prior to that, there was no formal policy in place because it was expected that everyone would know it was prohibited.

I got everything documented in the guide! I am a change agent.




Man, thinking about this makes my stomach hurt, but all those signs at the Hoover Dam warning people not to let their dogs lean on the railing. For this sign to be in place, how many puppies had to fall in the Hoover Damn?


Post-it notes were prohibited where I worked. Because someone previously wrote something significant and placed it on someone else’s desk, but it slipped off.

Regarding u/seequelbeepwell, they believe that those who intentionally disobey the rules are the ones who are foolish, not the rules themselves. They admitted, “For instance, I ate expired salad dressing the other day.” “Even after seeing the expiration date, I choose to ignore it. Let’s just say it was one of those incidents in the restroom that called for a shower afterwards.

u/seequelbeepwell commented, “On that note, I think my next post will be the opposite.” Which common products and services seem to have been designed with fools in mind? We are eager to see what ideas folks have for that one!



The engine oil label reads, “Not safe for human consumption.” Fast and the Furious, thank you.




Someone at work decided that the loading dock doors would be a shortcut, therefore we have to keep them locked. A woman attempted to drive across our lengthy loading bay, where trucks back up to a distance of several truck lengths. Her car and the enormous steel dock plate, which was spectacular, were both wrecked when she struck the dock. No matter how hot it gets, we have to keep the doors locked from now on.




Because someone stumbled on a carrier bag and fractured their leg, the company where I used to work sent out an email to all of its fifty or so stores prohibiting carrier bags from being used in the warehouse. We were roller skating in the warehouse when she actually broke it, and we didn’t know what to write in the accident book when we slipped on a bag.



The Kutna Hora ossuary is no longer open for photos since someone snapped images of themselves cuddling and other intimate moments with the bones.





We had to establish the “no throwing tools” rule in our theater. Which, contrary to what you may believe, is not obvious. It seems like common sense is becoming less prevalent.



A power plant operator was found dozing off in the control room during his shift. As a result, it became illegal to take naps or sleep anywhere on the property at any time. Not at your workplace, at your desk, during breaks, or when eating in your car in the parking lot. Finally, to demonstrate that you are working at your desk, always leave your office door open. Simply telling someone not to sleep in the control room would have been discriminatory.



The “no food in the computer lab” regulation is one that sticks out; luckily, I wasn’t the one who shattered a Pepsi all over the apparatus! A mistake made by one individual might occasionally teach everyone important lessons.



Texas banned last meal requests after one man submitted such a large number of them.


I was a cafeteria worker at a school district once. Our annual PTO was ten days.

One year, during the second-to-last week of the school year, a coworker made the decision to go on an eight-day cruise.

The year after that? No vacation days during the final month of school, unless there are medical emergencies.


You know those warnings on hand sanitizer that say “do not drink”?


We wear badge reels, and because some moron at another hospital had one that wasn’t suitable, we recently had a discussion regarding our dress code. Instead of instructing them to replace it, they modified the policy so that we could only wear badges with the system name on them. We are all penalized because one dips**t showed their dark humor in a place where patients could see it, regardless of the fact that 99.9% of us wear adorable, entertaining, and suitable ones. They ought to be aware that the dark humor is reserved for lockers hidden from view LOL


I work as a photographer. I was curious as to which photographer had previously taken close-ups of their employees’ low-cut shirts when I received a list of instructions from one of my new event photography clients. Whoa.

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Aria Skylark