These Funny Pictures Show What Happens When the Universe Decides to Target One Person Exclusively


It Never Rains, But It Pours

It Never Rains, But It Pours

Nothing beats being reminded that you are unable to change the past. If this initial poster’s parents were divorcing with vengeance or in a more cordial manner, we would not know. On their big day, which we assume was marred by this storm, we’re pretty sure her dad and his new bride didn’t need or want to be reminded of his ex. This is quite biblical if it was retaliation, isn’t it?

Is there a confidential phone number you may use to ask specific questions about the name of the upcoming storm? That would be wonderful to be true


Owl Be Damned!

Owl Be Damned!

Really, what are the chances? Picture yourself driving along while on patrol when all of a sudden an owl flies through the window of your car. Officers in the law are accustomed to witnessing and dealing with a wide range of horrific incidents. Nevertheless, we suspect that throughout his duty that evening, this officer received more than he had anticipated. He was so taken aback by his new feathery companion that he ended up smashing his car.
Even worse is the ominous tweet that the “Owl from Louisiana” responded with. I hope the police made a good recovery from his adventure so that he wouldn’t be too much of a hoot (pun intended!).

A Picture Says It All

A Picture Says It All

Language is an exquisite entity. It turns out that a single word can have more than one meaning in this instance. Naturally, this employer lost it when his staff member was late for work because of a cat. It’s the grown-up version of my dog stealing my schoolwork. It sounds like a tonne of poop, to be honest. We would have loved to see the boss’s reaction when they viewed this picture.
We salute this employee for responding to his boss with the ideal check-mate, considering that this car is a complete wreck. All we can hope is that their supervisor has a sense of humour and they were able to get a replacement car.


A Taste Of Freedom

A Taste Of Freedom

This is the appearance of total relief and happiness. This picture is a well-known and frequently shared photo of Nicole Kidman walking out of her attorney’s office following the conclusion of her divorce from actor Tom Cruise. Naturally, we won’t guess as to why she appears to be so content right now. However, one of the most frequently mentioned reasons was that she could wear heels once more, so maybe she went shopping right away after this shot? Naturally, we don’t know for sure if that’s accurate.
In case anyone is unsure, we believe that Tom Cruise’s reaction was altered through photoshop. Even so, the pictures speak for themselves. The face of freedom looks like this.

Never Upset Your College Professor

Never Upset Your College Professor

This image raises a lot of questions. First of all, we’re curious as to what Jerry and Robert observed that day when they turned in their specific test papers on reservoir characterisation in light of this college exam joke. Whatever it was, we assume the concerned professor had something quite unique in store for them. We’d be curious to hear what Jerry and Robert did to enrage this professor to the point where they felt the need to play a practical joke on them.
We can’t wait to see how this tale develops. We’re cheering for you, Jerry and Robby, if you’re still with us!

The Smell Of Revenge

The Smell Of Revenge

Envision. You are a vegan living next door to neighbours who grill fish and meat. The stench bothers you. How do you proceed? To get them to cease, you take them to court. When Cilla Carden engaged Toan Vu in combat, she acted in this manner. Both her appeal and case were rejected. However, once it was reported by the media, a Facebook event was created advocating for a neighbourhood cookout to be held outside the plaintiff’s house. This is an extreme method of making someone feel uneasy. But thereafter, the organisers emphasised that it was a “peaceful event.” Hopefully, Cilla, a vegan, and Toan, a carnivore, will become friends.

We All Dream Of Winning The Lottery, But..

We All Dream Of Winning The Lottery, But..

Who wouldn’t want to win the lotto and spend the winnings recklessly? However, we are aware that even if we did, we most likely wouldn’t spend a million dollars to communicate with Kanye West. It’s obvious that the original poster doesn’t like Kanye West. Perhaps he even harbours resentment? We won’t pass judgement since we don’t know. Though we can’t help but question if this guy didn’t fully consider everything to its inescapable conclusion?
The only thing this prank would do if it went through with it is spend millions of dollars to give musician, producer, and designer Kanye, often known as Ye, a night off. Go figure, then. Or how about a trip to the Bahamas?


Who Hates Who More?

Who Hates Who More?

So let’s be clear about this. During this football match, instead of having the entire crowd shout for their team, they decide to band together and express their shared hatred of England. It took place twice. Once during the Scotland vs. Ireland match and once more during the Scotland vs. Germany match. Are the English aware of how despised they are by their neighbours? Perhaps they don’t give a damn?
We laughed at the last joke, which asked, “Where do you think the US got it from?” and “What didn’t we do?” Being able to laugh at oneself is a positive thing.

Top Cat

Top Cat

This adventurous cat wants to join in the fun by putting itself in an odd circumstance. When making arrests and conducting searches, police deploy canines, but perhaps they hadn’t thought of the abilities our feline friends could offer? This cat saw an opportunity to carry out its duty and decided to sit on the motorcycle to prevent him from fleeing.
Officer Cat is handling the situation brilliantly on his own, and the police are free to talk and ignore the man in handcuffs who is lying on the ground.

Kids Just Love Playing With Water

Kids Just Love Playing With Water

We may safely infer that this coast guard isn’t feeling very happy right now. It’s not going to be anyone’s best moment, after all, to be thrown into the sea by a strong stream of water because of a young child, is it? Furthermore, he received the blow directly to the face. He must have felt like a zero to a hundred when he was thrown into the water, and we doubt he had much time to respond.
We hope that this coast guard guy was not injured permanently, that he made it home safely and dry, and that no one questioned him about his day.

How Not To Sell A State

How Not To Sell A State

It’s obvious that whoever is making these fragrant candles didn’t have much to say about this Midwestern state. Considering that this candle has no scent, it’s possible that they simply had a horrible or dull experience there. That or a really strange and terrible incident that occurred in Ohio that they would prefer to keep quiet about. At all. But if one candle were all that was there, you would probably be discouraged from going, isn’t that right?
We can only speculate as to what some of the other US states in this collection could smell like in light of this. Florida is known for its oranges, Nevada for its money, Georgia for its peaches, and Arkansas—perhaps best known for Bill Clinton’s aftershave?


It’s Not Just Elephants With Long Memories

It’s Not Just Elephants With Long Memories

We simply would like to know what Dennis did in 1973 to warrant this ban. It must have been something really bad, like destroying every bar stool, running up a huge tab, or getting into too many fights. To have been barred from this pub for thirty long years must have been something horrible. If you could tell us the background to this post, we would pay good money or purchase a round of drinks.
We also wonder who was familiar enough with Dennis in 2003 to advise him to get the hell out again. It’s also important to note that Dennis must have aged really nicely because he’s still remembered after thirty years!

So Satisfying To Have The Last Word Here

So Satisfying To Have The Last Word Here

Thus, Mark, whatever he is, makes the bold decision to unfollow the official Memes Facebook page twice. A little too theatrical, huh? We adore how, barely one hour after his dramatic stage exit, Meme’s reaction puts him squarely in his place. Why not, after all, inform Mark and the world just how much they don’t care that he’s leaving and how many more people they’ve gained following his announcement?
Therefore, we assume that Mark’s attempt to have the final say in front of a large Facebook audience was a complete failure. Nevertheless, we’re still curious as to what made him act in such an erratic manner.

Farewell Sara

Farewell Sara

We enjoy a good barbecue tale. This time, Sara, a vegan, enters a group chat among carnivores and is promptly kicked out when the other members discover she doesn’t have their tastes. Naturally, no one like being left out or those who do the leaving out, but this still makes us laugh. Joking aside, we hope Sara was welcomed back into the gang and that this was all a joke.
Hopefully, these people who enjoy grilling are just a bunch of ill-mannered, slothful salad dodgers who were too busy to consider providing Sara with plant-based options. Who knows?

Easy Money

Easy Money

This animal shelter allows you to write the names of people you detest in a cat litter box for $5. Adrian, Caity, Chris, Dave, John, Josh, and Trevor are somewhere out there. And someone detests you so much that they will give this cat shelter $5 in exchange for writing your name in the litter tray. This clever idea, in our opinion, is a light-hearted and efficient method to raise some money for this worthy cause. Nevertheless, we’re not sure these two adorable cats are totally persuaded.
They appear a little perplexed by the requests being made of them. However, what we really want to know is what the above done to deserve such animosity! Maybe they’re all the horrible ex-partners of someone?


Nature’s Revenge

Nature’s Revenge

It’s one of those “you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it for yourself” experiences. As you can see, the sky is a beautiful blue today. So you pack your hiking boots, grab your camera, and head outside for a sunny day. As soon as you capture the ideal image of the unobstructed sky surrounded by mountains and trees, the elements intervene and chastise you. We like to assume that the cosmos has a great sense of humour, and we’re not sure what will demonstrate that more than this image. We sincerely hope the hiker was as delighted by this phenomenon as we were!

One Hell Of A Joke

One Hell Of A Joke

The idea of the well-known television series Lucifer is that the titular character grows bored in hell and decides to establish a nightclub in Los Angeles, of all places. This image of the character has a caption underneath it that implies everyone in hell needs to be British. If not, Lucifer, the lone character with a British accent, would emerge from there and go to Los Angeles, right?

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Aria Skylark