Notes That Pretty Much Sum up What Office Life Is Like


Some find that the routine, consistency, and drive that they require to get the most out of their professional life are provided by shared offices. However, it is undeniable that sharing an office with someone you hardly know can go horribly wrong. Although it’s possible to run into your closest buddy at the water cooler, you also run the risk of receiving a barrage of sarcastic sideways glances and passive-aggressive notes. In fact, we venture that some were left thinking, “Why didn’t I just work from home instead?” after reading these passive-aggressive notes. But we can’t resist chuckling when we gaze in from the outside.

Oops, Sorry

The majority of individuals find it difficult to be happy at work, and unpleasant odours in a shared office make it even more difficult for them to look forward to their workdays. Nobody wants to be typing while inhaling the odour of stale tuna pieces and ketchup, after all. And this employee decided to make a kind sign requesting folks to use a different trash can after growing tired of the foul-smelling garbage cans in the office.


They were unprepared for the passive-aggressive note that was sent back to them. Moreover, the ketchup was used to write the passive-aggressive note! Additionally, they performed a respectable job with the handwriting.

Note to Self: Fortune 500 Companies Do Not Use Comic Sans

Whoa, it really hits them where it hurts! This anonymous Fortune 500 employee put up a cute sign with the words, “Please keep the door closed!!!” and a kind note saying, “Thank you!!!” But because they made one crucial, fatal error—using Comic Sans for the sign—no amount of apologies or thank yous could redeem them. It seems that Comic Sans is not acceptable for Fortune 500s.


Reminding the sign’s creator that they are employed by a Fortune 500 corporation and not a lemonade stand was the response received from someone. Hurt!

When Labeling Your Food Doesn’t Stop the Office Thief/troll

Alright, say what you want about employees who steal their food, but this small thief has a sense of humour. Even though we disapprove of him eating someone else’s food, at least his humorous placard made the rest of the company chuckle. The text says, “A strange new office trend.” Individuals labelling food items in the corporate refrigerator. I had a Kevin tuna sandwich today.” Paran-cha!

We had a good laugh at this one, although not so much at Kevin. We hope this poor guy didn’t go hungry today.

We Have a Feeling They’re Always at 0 Days

Similar signs are found in the offices of many businesses all around the world, each referring to a different topic. Signs at warehouses may indicate how many days have passed since an employee suffered an injury at work, while sales organisations may list the number of days since their last sales report, among other things. Given that the company’s sign counts down the number of days since someone last used sarcasm, we’re not sure what this business focusses on.


It’s hardly surprising that there have been none. And given that someone has already scrawled something caustic on the sign itself, it appears that it will remain at zero!

Totally Friend-Zoned

In a shared office environment, the caretaker duty is always filled by someone, be it the office manager or just someone who has gone above and beyond their pay grade. They are responsible for keeping the common kitchen tidy, discarding old food from the refrigerator, and leaving notes reminding people to bring in their own food. Additionally, we may comprehend the original note on the one hand.

However, they had to understand that posting something like this was only going to elicit a ridiculous reaction like this, right? However, we are united in support of the individual who was friend-zoned three times.

Don’t Worry Bout Da Ink

It’s very likely that you work in an office with a printer, regardless of the business you’re in. You may even have several printers in your workspace! However, how many of those printers are really operational on a typical day? They’re stuck, they’ve run out of ink, or nobody can figure out which buttons to push. It may perhaps rank among the most taxing aspects of your work.


But this office worker chose to make light of the issue rather than become openly irritated with this printer. And they made the decision to enlist the aid of good ol’ Bob Marley.

It’s so Beautiful

There are two options available to you when you work in an office: either bring a mug from home, or use one of the common office cups for your morning coffee. While some individuals are happy to sip from any ordinary cup, others like the comfort and familiarity of their go-to mug featuring a reindeer design. However, you have to deal with the possibility that it could be stolen when you do that.

It’s clear that the owner of the reindeer mug didn’t appreciate that others were touching it, but this is undoubtedly one of the most amazing reactions we’ve ever seen. It’s elevated to a new level by the photo.

Aren’t We All?

The diverse range of people crammed into one office space is what makes it so amazing to work there. You can find a combination of jocks, nerds, and everyone in between in some offices. However, there is usually someone in almost every company who considers themselves to be a bit of a philosopher. They are the first to start a conversation about current events in the globe, they question everything, and they are frequently observed being thoughtful.


Thus, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that this office’s philosopher made the decision to write this sticky note. We also think the whole thing is very funny for some reason.

Or the Pen Gets It

Pens are like gold dust, as anyone who has ever worked in an office would attest. If you find a pen, you must keep it close to your chest and pray that no one discovers your secret. However, one office worker was careless with their pen this time and left it lying around. Naturally, their colleagues were quick to organise a sophisticated pen robbery.

The ingenuity that went into this hostage scenario is something to behold. They may have simply reported the theft of their pen to their coworker. Rather, they made the decision to profit from it!

The Office Meme

Have you ever worked in an office and been amazed by some of your colleagues’ ignorance and sloth? You are not alone, though. It’s clear that the creator of the original office meme had had enough of being lazy and was sick of constantly seeing dirty dishes in the washbasin. They therefore made the decision to take action, and this is something we have never seen before.

We’re willing to wager that the person who left their mug in the sink felt like a foolish idiot the next time they attempted this prank since it’s the ideal blend of humorous and passive-aggressive.

Pot Calling Kettle

Office bosses reprimanding you for something they also do frequently annoys me so much. The greatest source of conflict in offices is the superiority divide, and we don’t hold the original sticky note sticker responsible for including this information on the paper sign. Ultimately, it is impossible to advise someone against using wall tacks after they have already used them to hang a sign.

But the pinnacle of passive-aggression occurred next, and we are obsessed with it. The individual who chose to use purple sticky notes is especially beloved by us.

Darnit, Debbie!

There’s a Debbie in every office, right? She’s the one that tries to get away with stealing your food behind your back while acting sickly sweet to you. And while the majority of people will probably ignore it and write it off as “Debbie being Debbie,” it appears that this office has made the decision to remove Debbie and organise an intervention that should halt her hunger.

Reminding yourself occasionally that the food you didn’t bring to work isn’t truly yours to consume is all that’s needed. But did Debbie read these notes, or did she disregard them? We’ll never know, I suppose.

We Can’t Be Too Sure, but We Think Someone Took One of the Red Bull Cans

In the image below, a person is shown bringing their own Red Bull to work, putting it in the shared refrigerator, and having a can removed by an unidentified coworker. It’s odd, though, because whoever took this can made it considerably more noticeable than necessary—after all, when there’s no paper illustration can to replace it, people are less likely to notice that a can is missing.

We have to pay credit to whoever created this design; it is obvious that they are talented artists (with a sense of humour).

When Housekeeping Doesn’t Clean up the Dead Cricket, the Employees Make It a Memorial

In the scenario depicted in the picture below, the cup might have appeared to be half empty, but staff members decided to fill it halfway. Employees took matters into their own hands when a dead cricket on the floor was overlooked by office housekeeping and left there for the next day. But instead of eliminating the bug, they made a charming monument in its honour.

“May Mr. Cricket rest in peace, One of the sentimental signs from the memorial says, “You will be missed.” It’s obvious that this office hires clever people.

Go Carolyn

Passive-aggressive office notes work well when directed at several individuals in the same shared workspace; however, they lose some of their impact when directed at a single individual. After all, it seems a little cowardly, because everyone knows who you’re talking about. When Carolyn realised this note was directed at her, she vowed to exact revenge, and it seemed like she thought the same thing.

One of the nicest things we’ve ever seen is that she fixed the grammar in the passive-aggressive note that was directed at her. Moreover, we hope to become friends with Carolyn.

Milk Cartons Can Be Such Brats

Contrary to what you might believe, not all milk is made equal. A milk has the potential to be far more entitled than another. Consider the milk in this office; it seems to become irritated if the refrigerator door is left open! As one worker stated on their educational sign: “If the door is left open, milk spoils.” Please close completely.”

This person obviously meant that the milk would become bad in terms of taste and health rather than that it would be spoilt in the traditional sense. However, you have to admire the colleague who made this situation humorous by posting the second note.

Office Beef

Every time the office fridge is stocked, disputes will inevitably arise. Everyone is against Stan from HR bringing his month-old leftovers to work, everyone detests Deborah from Accounts for bringing tuna fish sandwiches to work every day, and it seems like some people are against Chael for bringing milk to work. It seems that the milk jug was simply too large for them to manage.

Chael was clearly not impressed by this passive-aggressive remark, so they took it literally and brought a cow into the office. And to be honest, we don’t blame them.

Well, They Didn’t Say We Couldn’t Print a Large STEVE Jobs

Who doesn’t enjoy a clever word play? An office secretary put up a sign above the printer warning workers not to “print large jobs,” and that prompted one of their colleagues. They chose to take advantage of a gap in the sign by printing one very large Steve Jobs but no large jobs. We guarantee that many irate workers who were having trouble with the printer burst out laughing for a brief moment after seeing this absurd wordplay.

These are the kinds of things that may make a terrible day at work better; it’s lovely that someone takes the effort to make others happy.

Getting Bored

Unfortunately, sharing an office with others means that there will inevitably be food theft. When the office food thieves open the refrigerator and notice TN’s Trader Joe’s green juice and Daniel’s Fage 0% yoghurt, they just don’t seem to have any self-control and can’t resist stealing them without getting caught. In an attempt to stop them in their tracks, the victims, in the absence of witnesses, start writing passive-aggressive remarks on the refrigerator door.

But this time, their notes were completely useless. Rather, it simply encouraged the food thief to jot down a note of their own and request that the original food owners vary their lunch offerings a little bit more.

What Would Jesus Do?

On this list, this is one of our favourite interactions from office life. Someone brought their own diet soda to work and attempted to make everyone else feel guilty about sipping it by attaching a picture of Jesus with the caption, “Jesus is watching you… steal Diet Cokes.” We have a suspicion that once this other person’s remark was posted, individuals began stealing freely, even though this would have deterred some would-be thieves from taking a can.

“Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.'” Gottem!

See Ya, Suckers

Knowing that you won’t likely see the coworker again is one of the worst aspects about them leaving. However, one of the nicest things about a coworker quitting is that they’ll definitely bring some cake, and cake is something that everyone enjoys, right? On their last day, this person chose to do just that. They also chose to make one final passive-aggressive remark before leaving for the last time.

Without a question, this is one of the coolest things we’ve ever seen, and it’s given us some really great ideas. We’re not kidding at all, boss, if you’re reading this!

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

While some workplaces depend on its employees to tidy up after a demanding workday, the majority of organisations hire professional cleaners to complete the task. Theoretically, this means that the employees won’t have to worry about anything when they return to a tidy and clean workspace the following day. However, it isn’t always the case, and this is a prime illustration of why. It was true—that hair had been there for half a year.

Rather than confronting the cleaners directly, they chose to send a note that was both passive-aggressive and meant to be read aloud to anyone else in the workplace. And that’s what we’re going to assume.

The Food Thief

Certain people in every office fit certain stereotypes. Someone always has coffee stains on their breath, someone always laughs too loudly and messes up the entire shared working area, and someone always steals food from everyone else. The staff members in this office decided to post this passive-aggressive sign to deter the food thief because they were so tired of their half-eaten sandwiches and toaster strudels.

However, the food thief is a crafty and self-assured associate, so they ought to have realised that a pass-agg sign would have done them no good. It actually made matters worse.

Your Own Risk

Even though the majority of office managers receive a sizable budget to buy office supplies like pens and staplers, these things quickly become obsolete. There are only two pens remaining, someplace beneath the desk and concealed in the washbasin, a week after purchasing 100. Because of this, a lot of people who work in offices decide to bring in their own pens from home; however, there is a chance that they could be stolen.

This person decided to adopt a novel strategy to prevent their pens from being taken as well: frightening would-be thieves with the threat of spittle and saliva in a passive-aggressive manner. It probably worked as well.

That’ll Do It

It can be overlooked by some individuals that office supplies are not their property. As a result, they act as they choose without considering the consequences. Furthermore, even if copiers and printers are among the most frustrating technological innovations ever made, this office worker didn’t have the right to punch the button so forcefully that it ruined the entire device.

This note is clearly the outlet for the frustrations of the passive-aggressive writer, who didn’t like this overbearing behaviour too. However, we can’t help but wonder who ultimately fixed the button.

This Door Is in Shock

It’s funny, for some reason, to give inanimate objects living emotions and behaviours. And that’s probably the reason we find the picture below so humorous. To inform people that the door in the picture is an emergency exit only and has an alarm, someone put up a sign. However, they reported that the door “is alarmed” rather than that it “has an alarm.”

An workplace troll, of course, had to capitalise on the first sign and add a second to give the door some sentimentality.

No Spoilers, Please

The dilemma is familiar to everyone who worked in an office during the time that Game of Thrones was on television. Whether you liked it or not, you were exposed to spoilers if you didn’t watch the most recent show live, or at least before you had to go to work the next day. What occurs, then, if you are unable to remain up late to watch the Starks in Winterfell and simply need an early night?

This person, however, felt that sleep was more essential than watching TV, so he thought that leaving a semi-aggressive letter on his door would deter any potential spoilers. We assume that this was not a successful endeavour.

What a Weirdo

You must rely on office supplies to meet your demands if you work in an office. However, what occurs if you can only cool yourself with tepid water during a heatwave? Eventually, though, you will have to handle things alone. Even while this person’s coworkers most likely wouldn’t have objected if they had brought a fan to work, they chose to take things a step further and bring some ice from home.

They also wanted to make sure that their coworkers didn’t take any of their valuable cool-down essentials, as there wasn’t much ice in the freezer. But these colleagues didn’t completely get the reasoning.

Best Day of Its Life

The most of the time, your workspace is unrestricted. You are free to use whatever room you choose, move wherever you choose, and open any drawers you choose. Occasionally, though, there’s something the management of the office doesn’t want you to do. In this case, the boss didn’t want anyone to turn on the deadbolt. And you are aware of what occurs when someone is instructed not to take action, correct?

The office joker chose to literally ask the deadbolt the most significant question they had ever asked, taking this directive with a grain of salt. What was uttered by the deadbolt, we wonder!

Do Not Tap

You are probably more likely to prefer to be left on your own when working at a profession that demands a lot of focus. However, if you operate in a shared office environment, this could be challenging. So, why don’t you write a note to your coworkers and borrow a page from these programmers’ books? However, you may wish to exclude some of the graphic elements when writing yours.

This passive-aggressive note is entertaining, but we feel like it might be taken as a challenge by some coworkers. Who can thus cry the earliest among the programmers?

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Aria Skylark


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